
My Top 5 Books on TV and Movies
Picks from Steven Greydanus, film critic at Decent Films Guide.
The Antidote to Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Why worship may help kick the habit. A review of 'Addiction and Virtue.'
The Science of Shacking Up
Why cohabitating couples are putting their future at risk. An interview with Glenn Stanton on 'The Ring Makes All the Difference.'
Books to Note
Short reviews of 'With,' 'God in a Brothel,' and 'Seven Days that Divide the World.'
The King Jesus Gospel
The original good news revisited.
Battle for the Bible Translation
Our movement is wide enough to include a variety of methods.
Books to Note
Short reviews of 'Not a Fan,' 'Why God Won't Go Away,' and 'A Parent's Guide to the Christian College.'
Mark Noll on the Foundation of the Evangelical Mind
Christian scholarship must be rooted in the person and work of Christ, says the Notre Dame historian.
My Top 5 Books On Hell
Picks from Robert Peterson, co-editor of 'Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven?'
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief reviews of 'The Words of Others,' 'The Golden Empire,' and 'Building the Barricade.'
King James and Queen Victoria: John Wilson Reviews Timothy Larsen's Latest
Even among the skeptics of 19th-century England, the Bible loomed large. A review of 'A People of One Book.'
John Stott on Singleness
"Uncle John" explains why he stayed single for 90 years.
Agents of Translation: Philip Eaton on 'Engaging the Culture, Changing the World'
Christian colleges should fluently speak the language of both the gospel and the surrounding culture.
God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Body
It includes sex, diet, and sports—but so much more.
What Jesus Never Said
He taught us not to judge others—or ourselves. A review of '10 Things Jesus Never Said.'
My Top 5 Books On Heaven
Picks from Paul Enns, author of 'Heaven Revealed'
Joy in the Midst of Terror
How Andrew White's Baghdad congregation brings God's love to a war-torn land.
Gender Debate: SBC Pastors Denounce NIV
Southern Baptist delegates passed a resolution criticizing the 2011 update and asked LifeWay stores not to sell the Bible translation.
Picturing Paradise: A Review of 'Heaven in the American Imagination'
How conditions on earth shape our views of the afterlife.
Geek Theologian
Wired magazine founder Kevin Kelly talks to CT about the Amish, heaven, and why he doesn't own a smart phone.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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