
Q & A: Bristol Palin on Abstinence after Levi
The daughter of the former governor of Alaska on sexuality, body image, and her "come to Jesus" moment.
Harry Potter Is Here to Stay
Why the final movie is only the beginning of the Harry Potter phenomenon.
Common Grace and Amazing Grace: A Review of David Brooks's 'The Social Animal'
Brooks's portrait of human flourishing lacks the essential elements of rescue and redemption.
Books to Note
Short reviews of 'Heaven Revealed,' 'Rediscovering the Church Fathers,' 'Orphanology,' 'Our Triune God,' and 'Perspectives on Tithing.'
God Behaving Badly
Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?
Q&A: Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell
Why 'Erasing Hell' was his most difficult book, how 'Love Wins' prompted repentance, and whether 'Believe in Jesus or you'll go to hell' is good news.
My Top 5 Books On Technology
Picks from Shane Hipps, author of 'Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith.'
Ayn Rand Led Me to Christ
How the anti-Christian philosopher prepared me to hear the gospel.
Quivering with Fear: A Review of 'Quivering Daughters'
Hillary McFarland reveals the idolatry of patriarchal Christianity.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief Reviews of 'The Pleasures of reading in an age of Distraction,' 'Resonant Witness,' and 'Clear And Simple As The Truth.'
The Heart Has Reasons
Rational proofs alone do not a Christian make.
God Wins
The really important question raised from Rob Bell's 'Love Wins.'
A Meal with Jesus
Discovering grace, community, and mission around the table
Christian Author Eric Metaxas: 'Go the [Expletive] to Sleep' Parodies My Book
The expletive-sprinkled book that has reached best-seller lists is similar to Metaxas' 2008 bedtime book.
After Rob Bell Controversy, Baptists Affirm Belief in 'Eternal' Hell
Working on Eternity
Ben Witherington sets earthly labor in kingdom context. A review of 'Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor.'
Q & A: Tim Tebow on Faith, Fame, & Football
The NFL athlete reflects on his outspoken faith, whether athletes should attribute their wins to God, and moving from the Focus on the Family ad to Jockey ads.
Prison Partnership: Byron R. Johnson on Christian Criminal Justice
Church and state can join hands to prevent crime and reform criminals.
Who Gets Left Behind?
How end times theories shape the ways we view our earthly abode.
Reforming the Reformed
Calvinists, says one Calvinist, misunderstand some of their history and theology. A review of 'Ten Myths About Calvinism.'

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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