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Churches Put Pressure for Swift Action to Calm Maluku Violence
Indonesian army joining in attacks on Christians.
Armenian Church Faces Up to Post-Communist Challenges
"Catholicos Karekin II defends country's religion law, which limits evangelism."
Lutheran-Catholic Declaration Better Way of Dialogue says Vatican
But senior ecumenism official plays down hope for extension of document itself.
Being a gentle shepherd, meek and mild, may get you into trouble.
Conference of European Churches Will Boycott Austrian Churches Despite Pleas for Non-Isolation
Austria's crisis is a 'severe warning' to churches, says CEC leade
Now You Must Forgive Mozambique its Debts Methodist Bishop Tells West
Economic situation 'has gone from precarious to catastrophic' after flooding
'We Start From Zero'
East Timor's Protestant Church Seeks to Rebuild
Russian Church Objects to New Ecumenical Charter for Europe's Churches
Official concerned about commitment to work toward visible unity of the Church of Jesus Christ in the one faith
Dominus Iesus a 'Public Relations Disaster' for Ecumenism Say Critics
Vatican's statement reasserting itself as the one true church lamented inside and outside Catholicism.
New Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance Targets Peace Issues
Church organizations hope their new alliance will be a prophetic voice.
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