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The Gulf of Mexico and the Care of Creation
We exercise dominion over creation not only when we use it, but also when we conserve it.
Pat Robertson Repudiates the Gospel
The broadcaster's advice to divorce an Alzheimer's patient is more than an embarrassment.
Farewell, Cultural Christianity
How a changing landscape can strengthen our witness.
Why We Need the Evangelical Jeremiad
Speaking about dangers and errors is no failure of love for one’s own community.
This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse
The abuse investigation has uncovered more evil than even I imagined.
When Churches Become Mafias
The recent SBC abuse report shows that churches often prioritize tribal unity and safety over “divisive” truth.
Born-Again Hope in a Time of Lizard-Brain Fear
Only walking in the Spirit can renew our fleshly thinking into a kingdom mindset.
What Church Splits Can Teach Us About a Dividing America
As in the past, one can learn about our nation’s political divisions by looking at our religious ones.
Don’t Quiet Quit the Church
We should continue to let ourselves be amazed by God’s good work whenever and wherever we find it.
The Rise of the Evangelical Heretic
Even among the faithful, Christian orthodoxy has taken a backseat to cultural and political tribalism.
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