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From Trauma to Truth
Once-abused children demand accountability.
Wild Card Election
The Clinton factor and tensions with the GOP test the mettle of religious conservatives.
Field of TM Dreams
Fairfield, Iowa, of all places, is now a major world center for Transcendental Meditation, and local Christians are figuring out how to best evangelize the Maharishi's devotees.
Finding Homes for the Lost Boys
They've seen their parents shot, their villages burned, and their homeland recede in the distance as they escaped. Now these Sudanese youth build a new life in suburban Seattle
From Kosovo to Kent
Muslim refugees experience Christian hospitality
Smithton Revival: Revival's Relocation Pits Pastor Against Alienated Followers
Pastor Steve Grey and two-thirds of the congregation move from Smithton to Kansas City
Gay Parenting On Trial
More homosexuals seek custody or adoption of young children
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