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I Used to Hide My Shame. Now I Take Shelter Under the Gospel.
How a gay atheist teenager discovered Jesus and stopped living undercover.
What Bill Maher, Donald Miller, and John Piper Have in Common
In different ways, God used them to lead me to Christ.
Preaching Through Disruption: Caring for Your Soul
How do we protect against slipping into moments of depression, isolation, discouragement, and temptations that come with the stress of these challenging times.
Who Are the Most Generous? Not Who You’d Expect.
The secret to becoming a cheerful giver is to remember whom we are giving to.
Atlases No More: Parenting During the COVID-19 Crucible
How to lead your family well through times of transition.
Preaching on John
An overview of the historical background and theology of John to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
What Comes After the Ex-Gay Movement? The Same Thing That Came Before.
Old-school evangelical leaders once knew the value of “care” over “cure.”
Treasures in Heaven, Portfolios on Earth
When Christian investors focus solely on avoiding unethical causes, they miss a chance to build up good corporations and ministries.
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