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The Precarious Position of India’s Christians—and Its Democracy
Lawyer and author P. I. Jose discusses the growing influence of Hindutva ideology and its threat to India’s constitutional order.
Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
From embracing Western styles to preserving cultural heritage, how female leaders in six states navigate competing perspectives on appropriate attire.
Indian Christians Relieved as Election Results Limit Hindu Nationalists
With Modi’s BJP denied an outright majority in parliament, church leaders credit prayer movements and hope the restoration of coalition politics will protect religious minorities.
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.
Christian Women in India Lack Inheritance Rights. Could Hindu Nationalists Help?
The Uniform Civil Code seeks “one nation, one law” to govern citizens' personal lives, but religious minorities fear hidden costs.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.
Make Nepal Hindu Again: Christians Concerned by Rising Religious Nationalism
Hindutva ideology is crossing the border from India and making ministry more challenging for churches in the former Hindu kingdom.
The Regulation Suffocating Christian Ministries in India
Designed to monitor foreign funding, more recently FCRA has crippled numerous organizations. Is it intentional?
Anti-Christian Attacks Surge as Hindu Nationalism Grows
Battling accusations of forced conversions, the church faces escalating threats, false arrests, and assaults on their institutions, reports the Evangelical Fellowship of India.
Indian State Moves to Criminalize Praying for the Sick
A proposed ban on “magical healing” is the latest government initiative targeting Christian practice and evangelism in Assam.
Does Naming and Shaming Help the Cause of Indian Christians?
Local and international activists discuss Voice of the Martyrs escalating the country’s religious freedom status to “restricted nation.”
Five Indian Christians Who Fought for India’s Freedom
Following Jesus’ example, many lived simply, humbly, and selflessly to uplift the poor and marginalized, and their faith in God nurtured their hopes for liberation.
Died: Chungthang Thiek, Pastor of Manipur’s Prayer Movement
The Indian evangelical leader sought a space in the hills where people “could commune with God without interruption.”
The ‘Soul of India’ Now Lives in Its Cities. Is the Local Church Ready?
How Christian outreach has come to look like the YMCA, call center ministries, and the “Christward” movement model.
A Leader of India’s ‘Untouchables’ Considered Christianity and Found It Wanting
Why B.R. Ambedkar, a Dalit himself, ultimately embraced Buddhism as the faith best for him and his community.
Meitei Christians Caught in Middle of Manipur Violence
Thousands of majority believers lost homes and churches in India's worst ethnic conflict this year. Yet they feel "overlooked and despised" by both sides.
Kingdom Halls Reopen After Blasts at Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention in India Kills Four
The bombing is the first major attack on the community of 56,000 since its beginnings in the country in 1905.
Indian Church Draws Strength from Ostracism
Facing fresh attacks from Hindu nationalists, Wesleyans recall the history of God’s faithfulness in a Gujarat village.
India By Any Other Name? Christians Braced for ‘Bharat’ or Not
Believers weigh what the latest postcolonial name change discussion would mean for religious freedom and pluralism in the Hindu-majority nation.
White Evangelicals Aren’t Sure About Ramaswamy. But for Indian American Christians, He’s a No-Go.
The former like the young billionaire’s conservative politics. The latter worry about his connections to radical Hinduism.