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The ABCs of Journalism
How the ABC network botched a basic news piece on Wheaton College.
Obama Breaks Ties with Former Pastor
Jeremiah Wright's controversial remarks provoked Obama's denunciation.
Double Divorce
Kent Gramm’s divorce prompted his separation from Wheaton College.
'Mr. Biola' Dies
Clyde Cook, former president of Biola, helped nearly double the university's student body.
Idols ‘Shout to the Lord’
American Idol chose a popular worship song to close its charity event.
What Dobson Didn't Say
Focus on the Family founder says "I certainly will vote."
Cedarville's Tenure Tremor
The Baptist university is embroiled in a long-running dispute over the firing of two professors.
Westminster Theological Suspension
Peter Enns's book Inspiration and Incarnation created a two-year theological battle that resulted in his suspension.
Sin at Easter: Not a Peep from the Pulpit
USA Today examines whether a "notion of sin" has been lost.
Net Neutrality Divides Christian, Conservative Groups
While the Christian Coalition backs net neutrality, other groups take the opposite side.
Hazy Faith-Based Future
Charitable-choice funding will face challenges under the new administration.
Council Clash
WCC head to step down amid doctorate scandal.
California Court Says Religious Claim Doesn't Grant Homeschooling Right
Appellate judge: "Parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children."
Huckabee Drops Out
The Republican presidential candidate pulled out from the race tonight.
Do Evangelicals Really Prefer Hillary to Obama? No One Knows For Sure
Without exit-poll data for Democrats, reliable data is hard to come by.
Obama Cites Sermon on the Mount for his Support of Civil Unions
"If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans."
Church Shooter's Parents Speak of Son's Agony
Radio program broadcasts more details about Matthew Murray who killed four people on two church grounds.
Imperials Embroiled in Lawsuit Over Name
One of Christian music's most popular singing groups is entangled in a legal battle that puts father and son on opposing sides.
Faith-Based Evaluation
A recent White House report spotlights success of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, but some are still skeptical.
Larry Norman, 'Father of Christian Rock,' Dies at 60
Musician left a large footprint before he became estranged from the Christian music industry.