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Relationship Counseling for Federal Advocates of Religious Freedom
After last year's Turkey tiff, GAO wants State Department and USCIRF to patch things up.
In Unusual Move, IRS Reverses 'Church Plan' Pension Decision
Good news for 700 former hospital employees months before plan runs out of funds.
Top Christian Musician, Athlete Team Up To Increase Special-Needs Adoptions
High-profile partnership between two evangelical celebrities hopes more money will prompt more adoptions.
Christian College Wins 'Cybersquatting' Fight with Graduate's Critical Website
Pensacola Christian College now controls dissident web domain.
Three's a Trend? Blasphemy Death Sentence Dropped for Another Pakistan Christian
String of acquittals continues as another riot breaks out.
Is 'Incoherent' Christianity Better Than None at All?
English leaders say religious education is a necessary part of primary education.
North Carolina Aims to Preserve Government Prayer–by Taking Steps Toward a State Religion
(Updated) New bill asserts, "Each state in the union is sovereign and may independently determine how that state may make laws respecting an establishment of religion."
Dueling Top 10 Lists: Gallup's 'Most Religious' Cities vs Barna's 'Most Bible-Minded' Cities
Only two American cities rank in the top 10 on both lists.
Good News in Chiapas, Mexican State Known for Persecuting Evangelicals
A recent forum and festival highlight growth of religious freedom and tolerance.
Six-Year 'Food Fight' Ends Favorably for Dallas Homeless Ministries
Amid debate over whether public feedings help or hurt the homeless, judge says city's food ordinance violates religious freedom.
Died: Duke McCall, 'Giant Among Southern Baptists'
(UPDATED) Historian: McCall represented "the height of denominational identity ... and its subsequent dramatic collapse."
Colombia's Catholic Hospitals No Longer Have To Perform Abortions
High court says another high court's ruling is illegal.
Secular Sweden Sees No Problem in Sending Christian Converts Back to Iran?
(UPDATED) Sweden grants asylum to one Iranian convert, but others say their asylum applications are denied because judges don't understand their plight.
Bible Burning Spreads to Another Former Soviet State
(Updated) After court-sanctioned Bible destruction in March, Kazakhstan is proposing new regulations to limit religious freedom.
Broadest School Vouchers in the Nation Upheld by Court
(Updated) Even though the Indiana Supreme Court upheld a voucher program, the Louisiana Supreme Court has called its state's program unconstitutional.
First State Bans Abortions Based on Down Syndrome, Gender
(UPDATED) Federal judge blocks North Dakota's new ban on abortions after as few as six weeks of pregnancy.
Only Half of Self-Identified Christians Plan to Attend Easter Sunday Services
LifeWay survey finds equal numbers of Americans plan to attend–and skip–Easter worship.
Libya Will Release Foreign Missionaries Jailed for Evangelism
(Updated) Defense Ministry: 'To keep good diplomatic relations, they are going to be allowed to go back to their countries.'
Liberty University Wants To Create 'Tens of Thousands' of Kirk Cameron
Largest evangelical university announces film partnership to answer 'faith-wrecking' questions.
Russell Moore Replaces Richard Land as Leader of Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
(UPDATED) ERLC selects Southern Baptist dean as voice of nation's largest Protestant body on political issues.