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Jerusalem Christians Hope Local Treaty with Muslims Will Be Exported Throughout Middle East
Bishop says 'local' diplomacy to avoid sectarian divides marks turning point.
Christian Midwives Win Abortion Fight in Scotland
Court ruling may expand rights for conscientious objectors at British hospitals.
Faith-Healing Couple Lets Another Child Die
(UPDATED) Pennsylvania judge refuses to let murder charges slide for Pennsylvania parents who allowed 8-month-old to die.
Who Volunteers the Most?
Graduates of Protestant high schools, apparently.
Fresh Debate over Prominent Pastor's Views on Slavery
Douglas Wilson defends Black and Tan to Gospel Coalition's Thabiti Anyabwile.
World Vision Launches Its 'Most Far-Reaching Endeavor' Ever
Christian charity pledges $500 million to offset government cuts to foreign aid.
Responses to 'Hatchet Job' Investigation of Evangelical Adoption Movement
(UPDATED) Alternatives to adoption can help combat cultural and communication differences, disputing claims in Kathryn Joyce's high-profile critique.
Churches Fear Sri Lanka Ban on 'Distorting the Original Teachings' of Christianity
Evangelical churches not recognized by government could be deemed cults.
New 'Election Weapon' of Malaysian Islamists: Christian Candidates
(UPDATED) First-ever Sunday election causes 'moral and spiritual dilemma' for Christians; meanwhile, ruling party tries to resurrect debate over Christian use of 'Allah.'
In Case You Missed It 2: Blogs We Updated This Week
New info on Boy Scouts, U.S. Marine turned "Jewish terrorist," conversion therapy, sad Adventist anniversary, Nigerian jets for Jesus, and more.
Sudan Says No More New Churches
(UPDATED) A year on, government reaffirms ban on new churches.
Second Attempt to Bar Religious Law in Oklahoma Courts Succeeds
(UPDATED) Court vetoed previous state measure because of reference to Shari'ah law.
Why 100 Former Muslims Converted to Christianity
Survey offers insight into how gospel operates in Muslim contexts.
Top Jamaica Crime Fighter's Call for 'Divine Intervention' Prompts Debate
Meanwhile, bishop denounces lax response to lottery scam targeting elderly Americans.
Another State Expands Religious Freedom
(UPDATED) Arizona follows in footsteps of Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Missouri.
Evangelicals Lobby Congress for Immigration Reform
Bill Hybels, Richard Land among church leaders participating in today's day of prayer and lobbying in Washington.
Most Pastors Don't Believe in Global Warming
LifeWay: Younger pastors most likely to doubt man-made global climate change.
Whitworth University Ends Exclusive 123-Year Partnership with PC(USA)
School wants an 'inherently more stable' and 'potentially less ambiguous' identity.
Church Allowed To Sue Over Police Investigation of Loud Rock Music
Sixth Circuit: 'Reasonable fear' that 'free exercise of religion ... will be chilled.'
Oil Militants Threaten Terror Campaign To Defend Nigerian Christians
(UPDATED) With president's amnesty committee underway, Nigeria's Muslims emphasize distance from Boko Haram.