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Two Schools of Thought
Many believers wonder what's best for their children—Christian or public education. Two Dallas schools suggest an answer
Who Won? Who Cares?
Skip the latest ballot reviews and read Italo Calvino's brilliant election novella The Watcher.
Infamy Indeed
John Gregory Dunne suggests imperialistic Americans got what they deserved at Pearl Harbor
Stranger in a Strange Land
Taken Up in Glory
"The Ascension has been forgotten in many Protestant churches, jettisoning an essential part of the Christian story."
Rantings of a Not-So-Primly Dressed Person With Too Much Time
The Chronicle of Higher Education infuses some not-so-subtle bigotry into its fetal-tissue research coverage
"Big Numbers, Big Problems"
Christianity is in the midst of a massive global shift. But how much of a difference is it making in its new homelands?
"DiIulio Keeps Explaining, But Is Anyone Listening?"
"At a media luncheon in Washington about Bush's faith-based initiatives, answered questions get asked one more time"
Public-izing Faith
"Recent articles in Touchstone, Commonweal, and The New York Times serve as reminders that faith is not merely a private thing."
Are Scientists Taking Orders from Pat Robertson?
A Salon.com essay accuses the Intelligent Design movement of being primarily an arm of conservative Republicans and the religious right.
"To Poland, for an Evening"
"Once in a great while, a film like Kieslowski's The Decalogue discovers how to transport an audience."
How Can I Keep From Singing?
Arne Bergstrom has looked suffering square in the eye all over the world. Now he sings about hope.
Examining Peacocke's Plumage
"The winner of the 2001 Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion rejects everything resembling Christian orthodoxy, but that doesn't stop him from co-opting the language."
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Woman Who Invented China
Pearl S. Buck's tireless work for the weak belied her own disappointment with mainline Christianity.
Had Morse No Code?
Like much popular art, the finale of Inspector Morse functions like a dream of the collective unconscious.
Beware the Women!
A conspiracy theorist claims the church is becoming too feminized
Return to the Father's House
Touchstone magazine examines God the Father and human fatherhood
What's the University For?
In James Davison Hunter's The Hedgehog Review, academics nibble on the hands that feed them
The 10 Best Books of 2000
The editor of Books & Culture magazine shares his top picks of the year