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Open to Correction
Open theology has been "normalized," and that's a good thing.
Be Silent—and Read My Book
A jeremiad against the "political captivity of the gospel" among American evangelicals.
Bionic Woman
BOOKS: Making It Strange
How old stories can be told in new ways.
Back to the Future: Open Theology report, part 2
Tom Flint and William Hasker debate whether God knows the future.
Open Theology and Science
A dispatch from Eastern Nazarene College.
Tom and Reg's Excellent Adventure
Leepike Ridge has something for everyone.
Anglicans, Mormons, and Islamists
Getting the "Faith Angle" on the news.
Can You Reason with Christians?
A response to Sam Harris' Letter to a Christian Nation.
"Justice Is Conflict"
More on "justice talk," occasioned by a symposium on Nicholas Wolterstorff's forthcoming magnum opus.
Justice: Rights and Wrongs
A report on a symposium devoted to Nicholas Wolterstorff's forthcoming magnum opus.
Do You Hear Voices in Your Head?
A report from the 2007 Festival of Faith & Music at Calvin College.
Henry Ward Beecher's Life and Times
The Most Famous Man in America follows the preacher through his late-life scandal.
Dispatches from the Lunatic Center
Chris Hedges and Dinesh D'Souza ride out to save America.
Life, Liberty, and Terrorism
How much freedom should we give up in national emergencies?
In Translation
"A Crackling Bonfire of Truth and Clarity"
William Wilberforce and the battle against slavery.
Mormons, Catholics, and Creative Destruction
Don't let those books pile up!
The Problem with Hating Religion
A scholar rescues the reputation of generation of Middle East scholars.