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The Top 5 Testimonies of 2015

Here are the Christian conversion stories that CT readers shared most.
The Top 5 Testimonies of 2015

For three years, CT has devoted a premium slot in its print magazine—the back page—to a compelling story of Christian conversion. Dozens have shared their tales of how God brought them—through academia and prison and demonic oppression—to himself. In case you missed the most-read CT testimonies from 2015, here's a roundup of the top 5:

5) Saved from Islam on September 11

As I looked up at the burning twin towers, life-changing words came to me—words I suddenly heard inside my head.

4) How I Escaped from North Korea

And the crucial role the Chinese church played.

3) Trapped Inside My Own Body for 12 Years

Everyone thought I couldn't hear them, but I did.

2) From the Bahá’í Faith to Porn to Alpha to Jesus

God has been faithful all during my winding journey to complete surrender.

1) How I Almost Lost the Bible

Had it not been for the first editor of CT, I likely would have gone the way of liberal scholar Bart Ehrman.

To check out a list of last year's top favorites, head here.

You can also check out the most-read posts in 2015 for Christianity Today, Gleanings, and Her.meneutics.

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