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Something we missed.

Karina Longworth at SpoutBlog (not the person pictured to the right) reminds us that Capote director Bennett Miller made a short film that was supposed to kick off the Oscars, featuring interviews with various people about why they love the movies – basically, the sort of thing that Errol Morris has done for a few of the more recent broadcasts.

She also reminds us that this short film was not, in fact, shown during tonight's broadcast (though the New York Times says it was "shown to the in-theater audience during a commercial break").

One of the people who was interviewed for the film – though she may or may not have made the final cut – was Sr. Rose Pacatte, a Catholic nun who writes quite a bit about film (and who is the person pictured to the right). It would be interesting to see if any other people of faith were interviewed for this short.

If Miller's short turns up online anywhere, please, by all means, let us know.

FEB 23 UPDATE: The short film is now online at the Vanity Fair website. And Sr. Rose got a single word in edgewise. The video is embedded below, after the jump.

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