
Parsing Pacifism: Ukraine’s Mennonite Heritage Shapes Evangelical Responses to Russia
Anabaptists shaped the Slavic revival. The Sermon on the Mount encouraged endurance under Soviet persecution. But how does nonviolence work in a war?
When Song of Songs Uses a Word, It Doesn’t Always Mean What We Think It Means
Aimee Byrd is correct that the book diagnoses flawed understandings of human sexuality, but her interpretative choices are open to question.
On the Other Side of the Sea
A house church pastor in China shares how the image of the sea of glass in Revelation 15 brings hope and encouragement to the suffering church.
As for Me and My Household, We’ll Resist Mammon
Money promises autonomous abundance. But we need someplace where we cannot hide.
Seven Trials, Two Dangers, and One Underappreciated Book
Church leaders care too much about numbers and too little about Numbers.
I Plant Secret House Churches Because I Was Saved into One
How an Iranian teenager found Christ and launched a mission to equip persecuted believers.
Is There a Tiny Puritan Living in Your Head? Tell Him to Get Lost.
God has set a feast for us in the world, and we shouldn’t feel guilty about savoring it.
Let the Modern World Make You Uncomfortable
Jake Meador challenges the church to rethink its attachment to the American way of life.
They Might Be Giants. (Or Angels. Or Superhuman Devils.)
Who, or what, are the Nephilim? We don’t know—and maybe we don’t need to.
When Doubters Declare the Glory of God
Songs from outside the church can help us worship within it.
The Cross Contradicts Our Culture Wars
The victory of Christ was won by crucifixion, not societal conquest.
‘Christ’ Is Not Another Way to Say ‘Jesus’
The resurrection message draws power from God’s kingship. But we often miss it.
How to Be Human Like God
Holy Week reminds us to imitate Jesus Christ as the author and perfecter of our faith.
Why Ukraine Calls Upon Michael the Archangel
How the country’s patron saint earned his reputation as a protector.
Died: Gerald Coates, New Church Movement Pioneer
He preached a nonreligious Christianity that emphasized authenticity, creativity, and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Bucha Evangelical Leader Sees Russian Atrocities, Looks for God’s Hand
His home looted by retreating soldiers, Ukrainian seminary president Ivan Rusyn describes the spiritual impact of Christians serving amid death and devastation.
6 Ways to Vet a ‘Word from the Lord’
Prophetic words about a Christian’s calling should be subject to biblical discernment.
What Russian War Criminals Teach Us About Excusing Evil
Blurring the line between good and evil happens in all human hearts.
A Century Later, the Chinese Union Version Still Dominant
Chinese church historian analyzes five reasons for the long-lasting influence of the CUV Bible translation.
Even the Rocks and the Cacti Cry Out
A recent trip to Joshua Tree National Park brought home the wilderness of Lent.

Top Story July 31, 2024

In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
Survey: Majority Asian churches are half as likely to have leaders under 30.

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