
The Passion of Mel Gibson
Why evangelicals are cheering a movie with profoundly Catholic sensibilities.
The Fountain Fill'd wth Blood
Mel Gibson is drawing on a long tradition of Cross-centered devotion.
How the Late Carl Henry Helped Invent Evangelicalism
No one was more pivotal to the emerging movement than Carl F.H. Henry
Operation Evil Power
If Christ has truly defeated the powers of Satan on the Cross (Col. 2:15), why do the powers of evil effectively operate in this world?
Making Disciples by Sacred Story
Biblical storytelling conveys the realities of our faith better than almost any other form of communication.
My Enemy, Myself
What brings evangelicals together is also what pulls us apart.
Our Last and Only Hope
A lesson in trust from a grounded crow.
Why some Jews fear The Passion
Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ gives Christians the chance to disavow a shameful history of anti-Semitism.
Just a Closer Walk … with the Historical Jesus
Mel Gibson's movie raises again the question: How much can we know historically about Jesus' life and times?
A Heaven-made Activist
Joni Eareckson Tada is driven forward by hymns of praise and her sovereign God.
Back to the Garden
Our task is neither to shield nature from humanity nor to tame all wilderness.
The Heresy Itch
Unlike gnosis, the gospel is not for the few, the proud, the knowledgeable.
The Good News of Da Vinci
How a ludicrous book can become an opportunity to engage the culture.
Ravi Zacharias's Wonderful World
The author of Jesus Among Other Gods explores God's gift of awe.
The Bible Alone? Not for John Calvin!
When we seek answers to churchly and societal issues in the Bible alone, citing the Reformation principle of sola scriptura, we are actually contradicting the Reformers.
When God—or Allah—Is in the Details
What do Islamic sharia law and the colonial Massachusetts' Puritan experiment have in common?
Joseph's Sword
His faithfulness speaks louder than the few words devoted to him.
The Blessed Evangelical Mary
Why we shouldn't ignore her any longer
Birth Stories
"Even God incarnate in Jesus Christ, born of Mary, has a birth story of sorts"
Reflected Glory
What does Genesis mean by man being made in the image of God?

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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