
The Tradition Temptation
Why we should still give Scripture pride of place
Christ's Kingdom and Paradise
What is the difference between the heavenly 'paradise' that Christ promised the thief on the cross and the kingdom of God?
Are the Cubs Really Cursed?
J.I. Packer discusses curses, the Cubs, and the billy goat.
ETS Leadership Issues Recommendations on Kicking Out Open Theists
Evangelical Theological Society's Executive Committee unanimously recommends Clark Pinnock stay; majority says John Sanders should go
Authentic Fellowship
How do we learn the deep 'one another' community of Scripture without being in close proximity?
Biblical Archaeology's Dusty Little Secret
The James bone box controversy reveals the politics beneath the science
A Distorted Predestination
"Two pastors make a case for universalism, and end up trivializing human freedom"
Experiencing God's Presents
The church is not a bus where one person does the driving. It's like an anthill, where everyone works.
Turning the Mainline Around
New sociological studies show that evangelicals may well succeed at renewing wayward Protestantism
Tangling with Wolves
Why we still need heresy trials
Suburban Spirituality
"The land of SUVs and soccer leagues tends to weather the soul in peculiar ways, but it doesn't have to"
Beyond Virtue and Vice
"Some morals are absolute, but they are not ultimate"
Faith-based Bathing
What role does baptism play in faith and salvation?
What Will Heaven Be Like?
Thirty-five frequently asked questions about eternity.
The Eternal Weight of Glory
If only we could have the positives of earthly life without the negatives
Afraid of Heaven
We do not yearn to be near God because we do not find sin utterly repugnant or goodness rapturously attractive.
Heaven: Not Just an Eternal Day Off
As if anticipating the question, Will life on the new earth be boring? the Bible points to much activity there.
Heaven Can't Wait
I have seen the electrifying results of what can happen when the reality comes alive
Illusion or Reality?
The Hope of Heaven
Have Christians forfeited their rightful anticipation of eternity?

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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