
Evangelical Drift
Outsiders say we're the status quo. Our call is to prove them wrong.
You Are or You Aren't
Are some people lost just a little bit in the same way that others are saved only as through fire?
Pilgrims to Nowhere
Freedom isn't much good if you don't have a sense of direction.
What Makes This Week Holy?
Jewish and Christian celebrations this week aren't just springtime rituals.
'Jesus and Paul': Looking at a Journalistic Approach to Christianity's Beginnings
A full review of ABC's Jesus and Paul: The Word and the Witness
Why does Easter's date wander?
And why the Eastern Orthodox Easter can differ from the Western by weeks.
Craig Barnes Is Getting Restless
The author of Sacred Thirst says modern life is nomadic, and we are all searching for a home we can't find on earth.
Dick Staub Interview: Jerry Bridges Is Still Pursuing Holiness
After 25 years, The Pursuit of Holiness is a classic.
A Copt at College
Black Theology Revisited
Two authors argue that this strain of liberation theology is as relevant as ever.
Forget Your Bliss
The success of The Purpose-Driven Life reveals a cultural opportunity.
Incarnate Forever
What is the scriptural and theological support for the teaching that Jesus, the God-man, remains eternally incarnate?
The Good News of God's Wrath
At the heart of the universe, there is a just and gracious God.
Serving God Without God
The author of Running on Empty discusses his life in ministry with and without a walk with God.
Let God Handle Your Sin
The Christian life isn't so hard when you let God do all the work
Steve Wilkens Loves Bad Christians and Pagans
The author of Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans believes Christians can learn a lot from skeptics and non-Christians.
'St. Mugg' and the Wrestling Prophets
A modern British journalist gives us timely words from yesterday's sinner-saints.
The Passion, Eight Adagios, and an Earthquake
Haydn's Seven Last Words is a powerful guide for Good Friday meditation.
'I Thirst'
A meditation on one of the last words of Christ.
How Will It All End?
Left Behind is neither the first nor the last word on last things.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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