
You're Probably More Like Judas Than You Think
We all want a Messiah whose plans mirror our own. But a true disciple surrenders to the Master's will.
Notes from Newtown
How the church rallied around the bereaved town.
Easter Wings
The classic poem tells—and shows—how Christ's resurrection lifts us into flight.
When New Moms Can't Stop Worrying
Facing OCD, mental illness, and depression beyond the "baby blues."
I Love You—I Just Don't Trust You
A new study finds a connection between trust and theology. An infographic.
Bigger Than We Think
The doctrine of Creation goes deeper than just explaining how the world began.
Forging the Future with the Tip of a Pen
How Jake Weidmann, one of 11 master penmen in the world, uses ink to link the past and future.
The Sabbath Swimming Lesson
When unemployment threatens to sink us, God keeps our heads above water.
Lena Dunham: Bare, Brave, But Still Objectified
The difference between reclaiming our bodies and redeeming our selves.
Here Come the Radicals!
David Platt, Francis Chan, Shane Claiborne, and now Kyle Idleman are dominating the Christian best-seller lists by attacking our comfortable Christianity. But is 'radical faith' enough?
Luis Palau: Why It Matters that Pope Francis Drinks Mate with Evangelicals
An interview with international evangelist (and native Argentine) on his friend, Jorge Bergoglio.
'Imago Dei' in a Nursing Home
Bringing Alzheimer's into the pro-life Christian conscience.
A Pope for All Christians
Why believers of all stripes should care about the new head of the Catholic Church.
The Quest for a Bigger, Better, Cuter Pregnancy
In an age of gender reveal cakes and ultrasound parties, it's not enough to just be pregnant anymore.
What Classic Spiritual Discipline Needs the Most Renewal Among American Christians?
Three leading Christians on growing in Christ.
Spirituality Starts in the Pews
You can't search for God in isolation from the institutional church, says Lillian Daniel.
Hotter Than All the Fifty Shades in the World
How God's design for marital romance provides the "tension" for sustained passion.
Live Tonight! Life and Justice Roundtable
Watch six leading thinkers discuss the call to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Get a preview and reminder now.
Working Together… From Home
A message to Marissa Mayer: It's not where we work, but how we work that matters.
Catholics on the Evangelical Trail
George Weigel heralds an "Evangelical Catholicism" whose adherents strive to bring Jesus into every area of life.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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