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After Keller’s Death, Redeemer Members Carry on His Small Church Vision
The New York pastor never wanted to build a megachurch.
Tim Keller: The Pastor of Record
Tim Keller didn’t court the approval of ‘secular elites,’ but he did serve as a parson in their neighborhood.
Redeemer Church: My Haven After 9/11
A singer-songwriter reflects on Tim Keller’s New York City ministry amidst tragedy.
‘Everything Bad Is Going to Come Untrue’
Tim Keller: We often seek short-term satisfaction. But what Jesus offers is far better.
Makoto Fujimura: Tim Keller’s Message to ‘Love the City’ Motivated Me as an Artist
How I found renewal through the late pastor’s ministry.
J.D. Greear: Tim Keller’s Friendship Transformed My Preaching
Three lessons the late pastor-theologian taught me about the art of sermons.
Never Read Tim Keller? Here’s Where to Begin.
Eight books that capture different dimensions of his life and ministry.
Je gagne ma vie avec des algorithmes. Dieu ne me demande pas de démissionner.
Alors que je vivais une période de découragement professionnel, un récent ouvrage m’a éclairé sur les bénédictions et les dangers de la technologie de pointe.
Au « Indigenous Seminary », les peuples autochtones se réapproprient leur foi et leur identité.
Une école décentralisée nouvellement accréditée promeut une formation théologique ancrée dans la culture des populations locales.
26 églises incendiées au Pakistan. Les chrétiens craignent de nouvelles accusations.
Des profanations du Coran en Suède et la politique du parti islamiste TLP sont vues comme l’origine des violences collectives qui ont entraîné le déplacement de dizaines de familles chrétiennes à Jaranwala.
Los teólogos occidentales necesitan a los no occidentales, y viceversa
Las particularidades de cada cultura pueden ayudar a comprender y proclamar mejor el Evangelio.
Massa Manipur Menghancurkan Ratusan Gereja Kami. Namun Tuhan Memanggil Kita Orang Kristen untuk Bertobat.
Apakah kita menggunakan malapetaka ini untuk bersembunyi dari dosa-dosa kita?
Beyond the ‘Gender Roles’ Debate
As churches and denominations battle over the issue, these women are modeling a different way. Join them for conversations across the divide.
Las turbas en Manipur destruyeron cientos de nuestras iglesias. Sin embargo, Dios nos llama a nosotros al arrepentimiento
¿Usaremos esta calamidad para escondernos de nuestros pecados?
Politicians, You Keep Saying ‘City on A Hill’
But it doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Is HGTV Harming Our Hospitality?
A trendy, perfectly furnished home is not required to be useful for the kingdom.
O sucesso de Barbie e Taylor Swift revela algo surpreendente
Mais do que roupas rosa e joias, mostra nossa busca por um senso de comunidade e alegria coletiva.

Top Story July 29, 2024

Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Ayetoro was founded to be a city on a hill. Now it’s facing a watery apocalypse.

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