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Stay the Course: How to Keep Your Faith in College
A Bible professor’s advice for staying close to Christ on campus.
Take Me Out to the Faith Night
More than half of MLB teams offer an annual post-game program with worship and testimony from Christian players.
Capellanes evangélicos en Ucrania se juegan la vida para orar
Pastores se alistan para ministrar dentro del ejército a fin de ayudar con las necesidades físicas y espirituales mientras continúan los combates.
바비와 켄, 에덴의 동쪽으로 가다
그레타 거윅의 신작 영화는 기독교인들도 "행운의 타락"에 대해 생각해 볼 수 있는 기회이다.
La libertad religiosa no tiene por qué empeorar la polarización
Si se hace bien, puede facilitar nuestra convivencia.
What a Twitter Spat Reveals about Public Religion in America
A Republican lawmaker called a Christian tweet “bigoted.” Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar came to religious liberty’s defense.
The Bulletin Episode 37|48min
Is the Sky Really Falling?
Trump’s fourth indictment, the Maui fires, and a TikTok video gone wild.
Southern Baptist EC President Resigns Over Falsified Résumé
Willie McLaurin is the third Executive Committee head in a row to step down amid controversy.
Christian Colleges Level Up Video Game Degrees
Popular new programs focus on the power of storytelling and the potential for evangelism.
Capture This: How Christians Used Cameras to Expose Injustice
Photography played a key role in 19th- and 20th-century Christian outreach and missions.
Oliver Anthony’s Viral Hit Doesn’t Love Its Neighbors
“Rich Men North of Richmond” is disdainful towards people on welfare. Christians shouldn’t be.
Hillsong Founder Not Guilty of Sexual Abuse Cover-Up
An Australian court found Brian Houston may have had a reasonable excuse not to call police about his father’s crimes.
¿Qué mensaje envía la superproducción de las iglesias?
Lo que el reciente videoclip viral de J. D. Greear dice de todos nosotros.
Violence Against Indian Christians Is Becoming a Problem for American Politicians
As the US pursues a closer relationship with India, activists are concerned some are overlooking the persecution of religious minorities in the world’s largest country.
Barbie and Taylor Swift Are Bringing Us Together
Beyond hot pink and bejeweled outfits, they showcase a deeper desire for community and collective joy.
Meu foco em sucesso e desempenho era uma promessa vazia. E Deus precisou me mostrar o porquê.
Em um momento de crise, minha busca por excelência pareceu cada vez mais sem sentido.
Interpretando mal as Escrituras com o ChatGPT
Pedi ao chatbot para interpretar o Sermão do Monte. Veja os erros exegéticos que a IA cometeu.

Top Story July 30, 2024

O Say Can You See God in These 5 National Anthems?
O Say Can You See God in These 5 National Anthems?
At the Paris Olympics, songs from South Africa to Peru will call for divine protection and blessing.

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