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Serving Our Children Means Saying No to Youth Gender Medicine
The administration’s new stance against childhood surgeries is only a start. Jesus has grave warnings for those who cause little ones to stumble.
Until the Next World Comes, Christians Hold This World Together
How the early church’s example of public witness helps us avoid the extremes of triumphalism and retreat.
After Two Elections, France Is Divided. Can Evangelicals Make a Difference?
Though they make up only 1 percent of the population, these believers want their presence to be meaningful.
Preaching Today Summer Sale
Get 30% off all Preaching Today subscriptions and enjoy unlimited access to practical help to bring your sermons to life!
UK Evangelicals Look Ahead to Potential Changes After Labour Victory
Survey finds that evangelical voters are motivated by care for those in need.
Buscaba protegerme de los monstruos. Sin darme cuenta, me convertí en uno de ellos
Una vida de violencia y adicciones me llevó al borde de la muerte, pero también me llevó al pie de la cruz.
Missionaries Have Gone to Thailand for 200 Years. Why Aren’t There More Christians?
The Buddhist nation hosts many Christian conferences, but the faith hasn’t taken root. Five local church leaders discuss why.
Being HumanEpisode 25|40min
Your Conscious List of Relationships
Steve and Lisa discuss the Enneagram and responding to your inner critic.
Чому найпобожніші ізраїльські євреї відмовляються від військової служби
Лідер месіанських євреїв пояснює, як християни можуть краще взаємодіяти з ультраортодоксальними харедім, які тремтять перед словом Божим і не бажають воювати в Газі.
Почему самые набожные израильские евреи отказываются от военной службы
Лидер мессианских евреев объясняет, как христиане могут лучше взаимодействовать с ультраортодоксальными харедим, которые трепещут перед словом Божьим и не желают воевать в Газе.
Estou trocando minha carreira pela maternidade. Mas nem uma coisa, nem a outra vai me trazer realização
Este não é um problema da mulher, é um problema do ser humano.
Corrupção é um problema de discipulado
Seis formas de piorar o problema e cinco passos para encontrar uma solução.
Suivre Christ, c’est aussi lutter contre la corruption
Six façons dont les chrétiens peuvent aggraver le problème et cinq étapes vers une solution.
Jesus Didn’t Grasp for Status. But I Sure Do.
He “made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.” I dread admitting I don’t have a fancy new job.
Modern Secularism Makes No Sense Without Christianity
A new book argues that early Protestant thinking helped fuel an anti-supernatural worldview. But that worldview retains more Protestantism than it cares to admit.
When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
Acoustic sets, recorded tracks, and alternative setups can offer volunteers a break and invite congregants into new spiritual practices.
“Divertida Mente 2” põe a ansiedade em seu devido lugar
Veja o que o filme pode ensinar a jovens cristãos preocupados com o futuro.
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Top Story July 17, 2024

A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
In these fractured times, we want to focus on Jesus’ call to chase after his will.

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