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Building People
Can people who are vastly different really learn to love one another? How can a caring fellowship be built upon such differences?
Caught in the Middle
How can staff members be true to themselves and follow a leader with whom they disagree?
How to Create an Employment Agreement
A youth pastor agreement as a model.
Conflict in the Black Church
The black church has often failed to manage conflict because it believes conflict is wrong.
Leadership Forum: Power, Preaching & Priorities
Authority. Power. They're seldom the same. In fact, like an iceberg, 7/8 of the danger and power lies submerged under the organizational chart.
The Ministry’s Gordian Knot
Alexander the Great slashed through his Gordian knot; pastors don't have that option. To lead, the pastor must serv. How does he confront this paradox?
A View from the Steeple
Perceptions of a small church pastor.
Tips, Trends & Resources
The Local Church Who Works For Whom?
What is the extent of the pastor's authority? Is he accountable to the member-volunteers or are they accountable to him?
Dissecting Sense from Nonsense
Insights from a layman.
The Pastor & The Board
Discipleship is the mandate of the Great Commission. Where could a pastor more wisely begin to disciple than with his church board?
What Can Laymen Do?
What Can Laymen Do?
Preacher, What’s Your Style?
Learn to develop your preaching voice.
The Minister’s Workshop: Form and Freedom
The Marks of Leadership

Top Story June 29, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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