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Warning Signs: A Brief Guide for Pinpointing Breakdown between Pastor and Staff Members

Is a staff member reacting to new situations differently than usual? Often this takes the form of two extremes; He becomes overly docile when requests are made of him. "I'll roll over and take whatever you dish out." Or he over-reacts to minor situations, thereby bringing out deeper hostilities on larger issues.

Is there a repeated lack of communication between you and your staff? Are the right people getting the right information?

Has a staff member lost intensity about his work and ministry? Is he fulfilling roles without enthusiasm?

Is a staff member confused about what his proper functions and responsibilities are? If you're expecting results from him that you're not getting, chances are he's confused.

When these signs become evident, you as the pastor and supervisor need to do two things: First, go back to the staff member's original job description and make sure that guidelines and responsibilities are spelled out. Second, respond to the staff member with love and concern. Don't just ...

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