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These Churches Fought Domestic Poverty with the Gospel
And It Worked
An Ancient Christian Vision for Modern Medicine
Meet the Denver doctor on a hilarious, heartfelt search for the healing ingredient in health care.
Is the Way Our Cities Are Designed Keeping Us Apart?
How churches can benefit from a lesson in urban geography.
My Home Has ‘Murder’ in Its Name
How Russell Jeung met Jesus among the Southeast Asian gangs of Oakland.
The Best Ways to Help the Poor
A new book, building on three classics, fills out the picture.
Melinda Gates: Why Women Are the Best Investment
Women have the power to transform society. But here’s what they need to make it happen.
When Modern Medicine Becomes a False God
A doctor reflects on what healthcare can—and can’t—accomplish.
How Mother Teresa Changed Missions
Every outreach-oriented believer should know the secret of the 'Saint of Calcutta.'
Exclusive Video Premiere: Churches Take on the Billion-Dollar Industry Making the Poor Poorer
When the state government did nothing, Texas churches stepped up to fight for change in their local communities.
Where the White Working Class Went Wrong
J. D. Vance loves his 'hillbilly' tribe—yet hates what they’ve become.
D. L. Mayfield: ‘What If I Made Everything Worse?'
The writer and activist asks hard questions about her time living among refugees.
Manny Pacquiao, Championship Boxer, Has a New Opponent: Philippine Poverty
Why the prize fighter is entering politics in his home country.
Kulandei Francis
His development program empowers women through financial savings.
What It's Like to Live On Less Than Two Dollars a Day
Sociologist Kathryn Edin talks about what she learned from spending time with families that live on less than the price of a gallon of milk.
One Step Away from the Dumpster
Matthew Desmond takes an inside look at the inner-city nightmare of eviction.
In Defense of Clutter
What to do about privilege, poverty, and piles of stuff.
What It's Like to Be Shane Claiborne-Again
The activist converted me and my husband to a radical, simple Christian obedience. Why didn't our friends and family follow suit?
Five Poverty Busters You Should Know
Why? Because research shows they are making a real difference.
How It Became So Easy to Ignore the Poor
Growing income inequality and economic segregation have insulated our privilege.
The Secret Ingredient of Our Poverty Relief
Economists are showing that one attitude makes a statistical difference in developing nations.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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