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Dealing with Secular Extremism
4 ways to calm the stormy waters around gay marriage.
Baptist Seminary President Films Openly Secular Video
Danny Akin, Southern Baptist leader, says Americans should respect ‘nones,’ the nation’s fastest growing ‘religious’ group.
Richard John Neuhaus, Warts and All
A new biography captures the life and times of a brilliant, headstrong champion of faith in the public square.
The Morning After the Pentecostal Murders
Ten years ago, scandal put Sweden’s free churches on edge. Now their prospects are brighter than ever.
Five Ways to Cut to the Heart of Non-Christian Ideas
Nancy Pearcey equips believers with tools to expose error and promote truth.
America's Founding May Not Have Been Christian, but It Sure Wasn't Anti-Christian
An atheist philosopher ignores religion’s place in Revolutionary America.
How UK Christians Can Respond to Secularism
Instead of separating from our local government, churches in my hometown partnered with it.
What the 'Six Types of Atheists' Mean for Christian Outreach
A new study highlights important differences between nonbelievers. But they have many things in common, too.
Is Family Decline Behind Religious Decline?
It's an important factor, but it's not the whole story.
Is 'Incoherent' Christianity Better Than None at All?
English leaders say religious education is a necessary part of primary education.
It's OK to Talk Like a Christian
Skip the trendy vocab, not the biblical terms.
Why Americans Don't Think God Talk is Weird
Robert Wuthnow says modern believers maintain a creative tension between the worldviews of naturalism and religion.
The Other Side of the Culture War
Marching under the banner of "rationality," cultural progressives fear the public influence of religion—and often dislike religious people themselves
Will America Keep the Faith?
Journalist David Aikman wonders whether our nation will squander its spiritual heritage.
Song of the Secularist
Jacques Berlinerblau offers a soaring paean to freedom from religion, but the American people don't seem to be singing along.
Tolerance—Or Else: Coercive Attempts to Impose Secular Beliefs
Secularists, D.A. Carson says, want to drive their opponents from the public square.
The Supreme Court's Religious Freedom Reality Check
A recent unanimous ruling reveals deep commitment to our 'first freedom.'
The Missing Factor in Higher Education
How Christian universities are unique, and how they can stay that way.
Schoolhouse Divided
Controversies over religion in public education are as old as public education itself.
Common Grace and Amazing Grace: A Review of David Brooks's 'The Social Animal'
Brooks's portrait of human flourishing lacks the essential elements of rescue and redemption.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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