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Iceland Capital’s Only Baptist Pastor Doesn’t Want Down Syndrome Eliminated
Pro-life minority faces major challenge in ‘most godless country’ in Europe.
Why Christian Scholars Loved Peter Berger
His sympathetic treatment of faith made him a rock star among Christ-following academics.
Died: Peter Berger, Prominent Sociologist of Religion
(UPDATED) His work 'made all the theologians just want to be sociologists when they grew up.'
Turning the World Upside Down, Down Under
As Americans debate the Benedict Option, anti-Christian fervor in Australia has convinced me that we need a more disruptive strategy.
Why the Modern World Is Making Us Miserable
Mark Sayers asks us to look to the Bible’s steadying influence in an era of cultural turmoil.
Many Practicing Christians Agree with Marxism (and Other Competing Worldviews)
Barna also examines the influence of postmodernism, secularism, and ‘new spirituality’ in the pews.
Sorry Weber, Durkheim, and Marx: Educated Evangelicals Are More Religious
Pew finds that Christians actually don’t lose their faith in college.
Be Fruitful and Multiply: Muslim Births Will Outnumber Christian Births by 2035
Pew predicts baby booms will determine future of global faiths much more than conversions.
Evangelism Is Alive in Portland
How pastors, evangelists, and residents are sharing the Good News among the city’s ‘nones’ and Muslim refugees.
The Jesus Everybody Loves
Even nonbelievers value his teachings. But all of us have trouble living them out.
Fearless Faith in a Time of Forgetting
Our culture can’t remember what makes Christianity good, but there's no reason to freak out.
Are American Christians Really ‘Persecuted’?
If our overseas brothers and sisters say we are, then we probably are.
The Good (and Bad) News About Christian Higher Education
‘Christian colleges are as strong as they’ve been since the 1920s,’ says historian William Ringenberg. But there are challenges on the horizon.
Why Can’t We Christians Laugh Anymore?
At a time when evangelicals feel culturally embattled, it seems we’ve lost our ability to laugh.
Tim Keller and John Inazu: How Christians Can Bear Gospel Witness in an Anxious Age
Our confidence in the gospel spurs us to serve our communities, not to shrink back when they decide they no longer need us.
Nicole Cliffe: How God Messed Up My Happy Atheist Life
I had no untapped, unanswered yearnings. All was well in the state of Denmark. And then it wasn’t.
The Myth of the Secular Apocalypse
An excerpt from 'How to Survive the Apocalypse.'
Jesus Is Alive in London
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world (as it appeared in our May issue).
How Christian Institutions Can Stay Christian Amid Secular Pressure
Legal experts Stephen Monsma and Stanley Carlson-Thies say religious and secular organizations should enjoy equal freedom to live out their convictions.
Os Guinness: Welcome to the 'Grand Age of Apologetics'
With the era of 'Christian consensus' coming to a close, we have a fresh opportunity to make the gospel appealing.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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