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8 Charts on Which Evangelicals Will (and Won't) Vote Trump on Super Tuesday
Leaders seem to have little influence on voters. Church attendance might have much more.
God Loved Alexander Hamilton
But did this particular Founding Father love God?
Give Us a King!: Leadership Theory for Election Season
Historic trends bring context to Trump’s confounding popularity.
Most Pastors Aren't Voting Trump as Primaries Approach
(UPDATED) In Iowa, evangelicals split caucus votes mostly between Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio.
What We're Really Debating This Campaign Season
It's time to acknowledge America's ideals and failures.
As Falwell Favors Trump, Pew Says Most Americans Still Want a Religious President
(UPDATED) However, survey also finds Trump is one of few candidates who doesn't have to be religious to be deemed great.
Jimmy Carter’s Sunday School
Behind the Scenes with Dwight Eisenhower, Billy Graham, and the Makers of American Civil Religion
Kevin Kruse shows the surprising origins of “In God We Trust” and other mainstays of public piety.
Frank Wolf Calls for Safe Haven for Mideast Christians
Former congressman offers six-point plan. But killing continues as ISIS-linked terrorists behead 21 Christians in Libya.
Another 'Stained Glass Ceiling' Shatters: CCCU Picks First Female President
Calvin College leader brings legal savvy to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
Why Jimmy Carter Was (and Is) a Rare Breed
Randall Balmer's new biography says the former president’s political and religious activism made everyone uncomfortable.
Why We Need JFK's Peace Legacy
What Christians can learn from the president's foreign policy achievement of 1963.
Did Andy Stanley Really Mean Obama Is 'Pastor in Chief'?
The Atlanta megachurch pastor speaks about his pre-inauguration sermon and reaction to it.
2016: Obama's America
Breakout documentary explores the ideological heritage of Barack Obama.
Q & A: Jimmy Carter on his Faith-Filled Presidency
How Christianity played a role in the former President’s office.
Commander and Chaplain: The Faith of Presidents
Gary Scott Smith explores how faith has influenced presidential policies.
Q & A: Franklin Graham on Obama's Birth, Trump, & Faith
The evangelist had said about the president, "I don't know why he can't produce" a birth certificate and suggested "maybe the guy's right" about Donald Trump.
White House Rebukes Franklin Graham for 'Preposterous Charges'
The evangelist had said "I don't know why he can't produce" a birth certificate for President Obama.
Q & A: Michele Bachmann on Cuts for Aid Relief, Obama's Faith and Credibility, and Francis Schaeffer
The Tea Party caucus chair talks to CT about recent military actions in Libya, why she opposes governmental steps to combat global warming, and her potential presidential candidacy.
Q & A: Rick Santorum on Muslims, Religious Freedom, and ‘Walking’ for President
The former senator from Pennsylvania talks about what he thinks Obama got right and becoming a target of the gay community.

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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