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We Should Expect Non-Christians to Share Our Morals
Both natural and civil law, as God designed, tell us why.
John Danforth: I'm Not Absolutely Right, and You're Not Absolutely Wrong
The former senator and United Nations ambassador says religious people should be the leading voices for political compromise.
David Was a Rapist, Abraham Was a Sex Trafficker
What we miss when we downgrade Old Testament abuse stories to sexual peccadilloes.
'What's Wrong with a Hug?'
When a child in our church complained about an adult volunteer's physical affection, we faced a difficult decision.
The Already-Exiled Church
Feeling excluded from mainstream culture? Join the club.
3 Things to Say to Victims of Domestic Abuse
These powerful statements from church leaders can help women in abusive relationships find hope and healing.
Leading Lawyer Defending Crosses in ‘China’s Jerusalem’ Jailed Before Meeting US Ambassador
Zhang Kai among 270 people detained or arrested.
The Church that Drinks Together
In our town, refusing to drink alcohol may be a bigger stumbling block than serving it.
When a Same-Sex Couple Asks ‘Will You Marry Us?’
However we respond, let's communicate love.
Trumped-Up Charges
Who’s defining your church’s reputation toward Immigrants?
Same-Sex Marriage: New Challenges, New Opportunities
4 Christian leaders reflect on how the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage could affect churches.
Forgiving Her Sister's Murderer, Face to Face
Attorney Jeanne Bishop has helped thousands of clients make amends for their crimes. Now she’s helping the man who killed her sister make amends for his.
On Their Side: A Public Defender's Work to Humanize Her Clients
How the murder of her sister spurred Jeanne Bishop to grapple not only with Christian forgiveness but also with her vocation.
US House Bans 20-Week Abortions on Kermit Gosnell Anniversary
(UPDATED) Boehner calls bill 'the most pro-life legislation to ever come before this body.'
Abortion Pill Reversal Allows Women to Change Their Minds—and Saves Lives
Progesterone dose reverses mifepristone effects. Critics dismiss it as ‘junk science.’
My Healing Community
How I discovered grace when my pastor-husband was jailed for sex-crimes.
Amnesty Is Not a Dirty Word
Christians, of all people, should know that.
The Ultimate Law of the Universe: Grace
The paradox is that we fulfill it by letting go.
Canadian Justice: You Can’t Block Lawyers over Their Alma Mater Banning Gay Sex
'This decision isn’t about whether LGBT equality rights are more or less important than the religious freedoms of evangelical Christians.'
5 Good Ways to Welcome Strangers
It’s not illegal to care for immigrants, whatever their status

Top Story July 5, 2024

When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
Acoustic sets, recorded tracks, and alternative setups can offer volunteers a break and invite congregants into new spiritual practices.

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