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Gospel Gem
How a dying jewelry tycoon shares the pearl of great price with Panama's elite
Let No Law Put Asunder
A constitutional amendment defending marriage is worth the effort.
Muslims at Home in America
Christians have a part to play in helping Islam adapt to democracy.
My Enemy, Myself
What brings evangelicals together is also what pulls us apart.
River Deep Mercy Wide
A medical journey on the Rio Negro in Brazil's Amazon Basin
The Gradual Grief of Alzheimer's
Robertson McQuilkin reflects on his wife's long battle with Alzheimer's.
'I Was Looking for Peace and Found it in Christ'
A converted felon in Colombia reflects on life in the guerrilla ranks.
Why the FARC Hates Evangelicals
The terrorist group has many misconceptions about Colombian Christians.
Lessons from a Hostage Pastor in Colombia
A young minister works to prevent guerrilla kidnappings.
Living by Vows
As his wife suffered with Alzheimer's, Robertson McQuilkin said, If I took care of her for 40 years, I would never be out of her debt.
Muriel's Blessing
Despite the toll of his wife's Alzheimer's, a husband marvels at the mystery of love.
Why Gay Marriage Would Be Harmful
Institutionalizing homosexual marriage would be bad for marriage, bad for children, and bad for society.
Winning them softly
Evangelicals try to reach Mormons with respect - and hard science.
Forgotten casualties of an uncivil war
Three million Colombians are displaced, with few prospects.
As complicated as ABC
Condoms and abstinence can both play a role in AIDS prevention.
James Meeks is pastor of one of Chicago's largest churches and state representative of the city's five poorest districts. And that's just part of his ministry.
At the Crossroads
Evangelicals have become major players in American culture, and that may be their biggest problem.
While I Was Sleeping
Why my husband finally refused to end my life during my two-month coma.
New Life in a Culture of Death
Hope for Colombia dwells inside its most lethal killing field - Bellavista Prison.
A Laughing Child in Exchange for Sin
What exactly does courage look like in an age of abortion?

Top Story July 5, 2024

Theocracy Is Not the Enemy of Pluralism
Theocracy Is Not the Enemy of Pluralism
God’s rule is inherently true and doesn’t require that we force it on anyone.

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