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Quick To ListenEpisode 59|42min
Why Reinhold Niebuhr Still Haunts American Politics
The Christian political theologian continues to inspire—and confound—those on the right and the left.
Trump’s Revised Refugee Ban Won’t Prioritize Persecuted Christians
White House softens executive order; Andy Stanley joins evangelical leaders urging compassion.
Should America’s Refugee Policy Put Persecuted Christians First?
Four Christian experts offer their take on Trump’s controversial plan.
What Arab Church Leaders Think of Trump Prioritizing Persecuted Christian Refugees
Middle East believers appreciate the sentiment of the new president’s executive order. But not its strategy.
Who's Ministering in Mosul? Persecuted Christians from Burma
As ISIS flees, some of the first frontline Christians already know how to follow Jesus in a war zone.
Planting an Immigrant Church in America's Whitest City
Meet the retiree-turned-pastor who's creating a home for Portland's Arabic Christians.
Genocide Up Close and Personal
Journalist Mindy Belz gives a brave firsthand account of persecution in the Middle East.
John Kerry: ISIS Is Responsible for Genocide Against Christians
(UPDATED) Days after unanimous House vote, Secretary of State finally agrees with international religious freedom advocates.
Hope on the Refugee Highway: A Special Report on Christians in Iraq and Greece
CT visited eight refugee camps to learn how Christians on the front lines would advise American churches to engage the refugee crisis.
Christian TV Helps ISIS Survivors
As Myriam, the girl who forgave ISIS, returns to school, Arabic broadcaster finds 'unconventional' way to bring education to other refugees.
The 10 Most-Read Stories of the Persecuted Church
China removes 400 crosses, the US deports Iraqi Christians, and ISIS beheads dozens.
Refugees on the Roma Road
In Europe, Christian ‘gypsies’ best understand those fleeing Syria and Iraq.
What Jesus Said to Me After the Suicide Bombing
Our Savior knows what it's like to have people want to take your life.
Yes, the US Is Deporting Iraqi Christians. Here's Why.
Would-be asylum seekers admit lying to Homeland Security.
Persecuted, Abused, Displaced: The Christian Women Who Somehow Still Stand Strong
A religious freedom advocate looks at the factors that keep faith communities resilient in conflict.
Dozens of Assyrian Christians Kidnapped or Detained By ISIS
In May, ISIS demanded $23 million in ransom for previous group of captives.
Formed by War
Combat wounds the soul, but the gospel offers hope.
Onward 'Christian Soldiers': First American Volunteer Dies Fighting ISIS
Some of the foreign fighters flocking to Iraq and Syria are taking the side of persecuted Christians.
The Last Gasp of the Cradle Christians?
The American church has a key role in rescuing, restoring, and returning Christians and other religious minorities who have fled ISIS.
Why Boko Haram and ISIS Target Women
The oldest way to spread a religion is not to evangelize people; it’s to create new ones.

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Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
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