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American Baptist Exodus
Scripture, homosexuality divide another venerable denomination.
Compromise' Settles Nothing
ELCA assembly opens door to same-sex blessings.
I Now Pronounce You Husband and Husband
Homosexual marriage now legal; pressure feared.
Hitting the Brakes
Only a marriage amendment can stop the Supreme Court's momentum.
Kansas Voters Reject Gay Rites
But federal courts are expected to strike down state bans.
Say What?
Conservative theologians dismayed by recommendations on gay unions.
Therapeutically Incorrect
Atheist psychiatrist argues that gays can change.
Anglicans Sanction Episcopalians Over Gay Bishop, Gay Unions
U.S. and Canada churches asked to "voluntarily withdraw" from panel.
My Path to Lesbianism
It was hatred of women that drove me there, and Christ in community that led me out.
Muzzled Speech
Christians tried for anti-gay preaching.
When Gay Activists Came to Calvary
I preached on same-sex marriage and the protesters came out.
Dobson on the Gay Marriage Battle
The Nov. 2 election was the first step in a long fight for traditional marriage.
Full Court Pressure
The battle for marriage shifts from voters to lawyers and lobbyists.
Cheated by the Affirming Church
Contrary to what some churches teach, it is homosexuality—and not its suppression—that enslaves people like me.
Lesbian Methodist Minister Defrocked
Plus: Denver keeps Christmas, pro-life Democrats push for comeback, Adventist leaders die in plane crash, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Africa's Anglican Bishops' Conference Begins Tuesday
Homosexuality and women ordination tops agenda.
Inside CT: The Cure of Gay Souls
Pastoral care of gay people in our congregations cannot wait.
Senate Showdown
Activists say fight against gay marriage has only just begun.
What God Hath Not Joined
Why marriage was designed for male and female.
Presbyterian Church (USA): No Actively Gay Pastors
Close vote at July General Assembly maintains sexuality standards.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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