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Marriage Matters
Debate rages even after Senate and House reject federal amendment.
Top Courts in N.Y., Ga. Uphold Gay Marriage Bans
Plus: Needing permission to convert, the Africa Bible Commentary, Jibla Hospital three years later, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Do It for the Children
Opposing same-sex marriage is actually the enlightened policy.
In Essentials, Uncertainty
Presbyterian Church (USA) erodes ban on gay clergy.
Episcopalian General Convention Adopts Vague Resolution
Call for 'restraint' in consecration of practicing gays falls short of recommendations of Anglican leaders.
In the Name of the Mother, Child, and Womb
Plus: More updates from this week's church conventions and more articles from online sources around the world.
General Convention Brushes Against Its Deadline
Conservatives, liberals can't agree on response to the Windsor Report.
Conservatives Stunned by Bishop's Election
The new church leader supports same-sex marriages, vows to bend over backwards for those she disagrees with.
Gays in the Church Debated
Conservatives press Episcopal convention to repent of gay bishop's consecration.
The Power of Hospitality
How to win over enemies and influence people.
'Get Out of San Francisco'
City's response to Christian youth event poses legal question.
My Dirty Little Former Secret
God used a movie about gay cowboys to release me from the burden of my past.
Failed Compromise on Gay Rights
Dobson-backed bill scuttled by Left and Right.
Gay Rights Group Targets Christian Colleges
Schools' responses to Soulforce's Equality Ride will vary widely.
The Wrong End of the Spear
Is Christian passion for purity blinding us to our missionary impulse?
'I Feel Betrayed'
A son-in-law of one of the murdered missionaries says the casting was a mistake.
Two Cheers for the Vatican
Evangelicals generally support Roman Catholic decision on gay seminarians.
Church's Ties to Ministry Mean Broken Ties to Denomination
Baptist pastor says church disapproves of homosexual behavior, but Texas convention says connections to "affirming" ministry is unbiblical.

Top Story June 28, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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