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Q & A: Rick Warren
The uber-pastor talks with CT about politics, same-sex marriage, the economy, and baptism.
Iowa Court Approves Gay Marriage, Vermont Passes Same-Sex Bill
Iowa becomes the first state in the Midwest and the fourth state in the country to allow same-sex marriages.
Book Corner: Pursuing the Gay Community
A call to bridge building.
Struggling with Same-Gender Attraction
It's more common than many churches realize, and creating a safe environment is critical.
California's Temper Tantrum
How the gay rights movement lost more than Proposition 8.
'Leaving Isn't the Answer'
Why the pastor of the largest Episcopalian congregation is staying put in a 'very sick' church.
A Win-Win on Same-Sex Marriage
Can Christians compromise faithfully?
Richard Cizik Resigns from the National Association of Evangelicals
Longtime lobbyist and media spokesman recently said 'I'm shifting' on gay unions.
Looking for a 'Serious' Conversation
The Newsweek religious case for gay marriage is mostly an attempt to marginalize the opposition.
Up for Debate
Publicly arguing for traditional marriage is worth it even if I don't change many minds.
What's Ahead for the Fractured Episcopal Church?
The new Anglican branch will face several significant hurdles.
Conservative Anglicans Create Rival Church
Top leader Duncan expects to see Episcopal Church 'displaced.'
A Latter-day Alliance
Evangelicals, once uncomfortable with Romney, unite with Mormons on gay marriage ban.
Tony Jones Blesses Gay Marriage & Ordination
The former Emergent coordinator blogs about his views on faith and sexuality.
All Eyes on California
The presidential contest there is predictable, but the state's marriage proposition is closely contested.
A Losing Proposition
Is there ever an easy way to talk about controversial issues in the church?
Salvation Not Needed
The star of Save Me says ex-gay ministries can do a world of good for its clients, but also believes there's no such thing as "converting" homosexuals to go straight.
The Prohibition of Gay Marriage
We can learn from the defeat of American Christian activism's greatest legislative victory.
Let Us Not Set Asunder
The threat of gay marriage challenges Christians to defend older, better definitions of marriage. But what are those definitions, and how did they develop?

Top Story July 5, 2024

When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
Acoustic sets, recorded tracks, and alternative setups can offer volunteers a break and invite congregants into new spiritual practices.

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