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What to Do with the Dull Parts of Scripture
Even the building instructions and genealogies provide crucial teaching.
What Scripture and Jazz Have in Common
Resolving two difficult issues about the Bible's inspiration.
The Most Important Thing About the Holy Spirit
J. D. Greear remembers what gets missed in secondary debates.
The Church Is Slime (in a Good Way!)
An excerpt from ‘The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community.’
New Poll Finds Evangelicals’ Favorite Heresies
Survey finds many American evangelicals hold unorthodox views on the Trinity, salvation, and other doctrines.
The Spiritual Blessings of Seeking Solitude
An excerpt from 'A Beautiful Disaster: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness.'
Water Works: Why Baptism Is Essential
Some churches say Baptism is optional, but the New Testament teaches it is integral to the life of faith.
An Explosion of Joy
What it means to be the apostolic church.
Breaking All the Barriers
How the Spirit at Pentecost decimated humanity’s dividing walls.
The Difference Dallas Willard Makes
How his focus on Christlike transformation can enrich evangelical faith.
Hummus and the Holy Spirit
Like the popular Middle Eastern dish, our understanding of the Trinity relies on a delicate blend of ingredients. Did one small change to the Nicene Creed alter the recipe, or enhance the original?
Peace and Goodwill? 'Bah, Humbug,' Says the Holy Spirit
'The Comforter' sometimes acts more like 'the Great Discomforter'
Ghost Stories for the Christian Soul
Hear me out: Haunting tales provide their own kind of spiritual formation.
Saved by U2 and an Audible Voice
God wasn’t on my to-do list. He showed up anyway.
Getting to Know Him
Catechesis at its best is a very personal 'school of faith.'
The Confidence of the Evangelical
Why the Spirit, not the magisterium, will lead us into all truth.
Evangelism as Sacrament
Velcroed to a high-felt need: Jerry Root says evangelism is seeing how God is already working in someone's life.
Faith Unbound
Why spirituality is sexy but religion is not.
Did the Spirit Really Say...?
God's will is harder and easier to discern than we imagine.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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