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Founder of Singapore's Largest Megachurch Arrested Over Wife's Pop Music Outreach
(UPDATED) City Harvest Church says it is "saddened" by the resignation of Chew Eng Han, a co-defendant in the church's embezzlement suit.
Jerry Sandusky Charity Transferring $2 Million to Christian Foster Care Agency
The Second Mile couldn't survive donor fallout from sex abuse scandal at Penn State football program.
Jury Holds Baptist State Convention Liable for Pastor’s Sexual Abuse
Florida convention had hired Douglas W. Myers to plant two new churches.
Voice of the Victims: Sex Abuse Survivors and the Church
Tom White's recent suicide brings to light the priority of healing the abused over restoring the offender.
Charles Taylor, Former President of Liberia, Found Guilty of War Crimes in Sierra Leone
However, the international tribunal says it was not proven Taylor had command of the rebels in Sierra Leone's bloody civil war.
Pastor’s Mother Killed in Shooting Outside Colorado Church
Suspected shooter also killed by an off-duty officer attending the church.
Voice of the Martyrs' Tom White's Death an Apparent Suicide Following Molestation Investigation
Leader of prominent persecution ministry was being investigated by police on allegations of molesting a young girl.
How Pastors' Ponzis Affect Our Gospel Witness
A rash of pastor-endorsed fraud taints our gospel witness
Shooting at California Christian College Leaves Seven Dead (UPDATED)
Gunman went to confront an administrator at Oikos University, police said.
Trial on Antiquities Fraud Ends, But Not the Controversy
Judge doesn't rule whether James ossuary is authentic, but acquits antiquities collectors on almost all charges.
Portland's Quiet Abolitionists
Leading the liberal city's efforts to halt child trafficking is a network of dedicated Christians. Just don't go advertising it.
Anti-Christian Backlash After South Sudan’s Secession
Churches attacked and threatened with demolition as Bashir reiterates promise to make Sudan strictly Islamic.
Exotic Animals and Kingdom Ethics
Principles for why we should avoid treating all animals as possessions.
From Death Sentence to Rape Charges, Iranian Pastor’s Case Is Rare—and Disputed
Reports differ on Nadarkhani’s status and next steps.
'Machine Gun Preacher' Under Heavy Fire
Sam Childers, subject of a new movie, is accused of neglecting children at his orphanage in South Sudan.
Inside the Heart of an Animal Hoarder
When a love for pets goes terribly awry.
Super Natural: Josh Hamilton's Comeback
The recovering crack addict and baseball superstar knows he's special, but it's a special that cuts two ways.
Fleecing the Faithful—Again: Former YWAM Leader Defrauds Many
A Swedish Christian businessman swindled friends, family, and missionaries of millions of dollars.
Prison Partnership: Byron R. Johnson on Christian Criminal Justice
Church and state can join hands to prevent crime and reform criminals.

Top Story June 28, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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