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How Could You Forget…
More notable names from the field's recent past.
In God's Country
Those who believe that God rewards righteous nations have Orosius to admire and Augustine to dispute.
The Problem of Eusebius
His work became the foundation for centuries of Christian scholarship. Was that foundation firm or hopelessly flawed?
"Diplomats Receive Visas Into Afghanistan, but Will Only Meet with Officials"
"Over a week after raid on Shelter Germany, future for workers still unclear."
Aid Workers Held Captive
Taliban alleges housing group's staff engaged in evangelism.
Reformation on the Run
Lacking political protection or religious freedom, French Reformed thinkers forged a unique expression of faith.
Pleading the Cause of Christ
In the Prefatory Address to his Institutes, John Calvin defends both his doctrine and its battered believers.
Church, State, and Columbine
Since the infamous massacre, America has been rethinking the role of religion in the public square.
The Rest of the Stories
Dante's other books further illuminate his medieval mindset and shed light on the Comedy.
To Build a Fire
Jan Hus hoped his incendiary preaching and heated rebukes would purify a tainted church, but the flames consumed him first.
A Tale of Two Cities
It's a shame about Rome, but wait—there's more! What a fifth-century critic might have said.
What Would Augustine Say?
The fifth-century theologian answers five crucial twenty-first-century questions.
Evangelicalism: Billy Graham
As an evangelist he preached to millions; as an evangelical he put a movement on the map.
The Dragon Slayer
He fights for religious liberty, defends the civil rights of homosexuals, and funded Paula Jones's case against the President—the enigmatic John Wayne Whitehead.
China's Dynamic Church
Eyewitness reports of repression and revival.
Cuba's Next Revolution
How Christians are reshaping Castro's Communist stronghold.
The Emperor Strikes Back
How the once illegal religion became the law of the empire.
The Emperor’s New Religion
The story of early Christianity’s most famous—and most controversial—convert.
Link Essay: Great White Father
After Livingstone opened Africa, Western missionaries moved in by the thousands. Did they hurt or help Africans?
Religious Freedom Is No Luxury
By killing RFRA, the Supreme Court has placed religious liberty in a perilous position.

Top Story June 30, 2024

Biblical Reflections from a Ukrainian Theologian’s War Diary
Biblical Reflections from a Ukrainian Theologian’s War Diary
As Russia’s invasion fades from Western interest, daily musings from an evangelical seminary leader remind readers of the war’s ongoing reality for Ukrainian Christians who stay and serve.

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