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The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 103|46min
John Mark Comer’s Call to Practice, Not Performance
The art of apprenticeship to Jesus.
¿Deberíamos cancelar a Lutero y a Calvino?
Los reformadores creían en la quema de herejes. Para dar sentido a ese grave error es necesario mirarnos primero a nosotros mismos.
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselves.
Mengubah Tempo Ibadah
Pernah terjadi, selama seribu tahun ibadah Kristen, orang-orang awam jarang bernyanyi. Kemudian datanglah Luther.
Long Sermons Seem Longer in the Pews, Study Finds
But it’s not a new problem. Just ask Martin Luther.
Glad Tidings Come in Times of Terror
The nativity story is the advent of God’s love to a fear-filled world.
If a Social Issue Matters to God, the Church Should Be Praying About It
Too often, our practices of intercession are thin to nonexistent. The Reformed tradition shows us how to revive them.
Meritocracy Is a Betrayal of the Protestant Ethic, not a Fulfillment
Why the “rhetoric of rising” is incompatible with Christian views of grace and the common good.
John Piper va «más hacia arriba y más hacia adentro» en la doctrina de la Providencia de Dios
Su último libro, aunque con fundamento en la tradición reformada, busca dar respuesta a las preguntas del siglo XXI.
John Piper Goes Further Up and Further Into the Doctrine of God’s Providence
His latest book leans on the Reformed tradition while speaking to 21st-century questions.
Probablemente adoras a un ídolo
Los cristianos seguimos siendo idólatras, solo que somos menos honestos al respecto.
You’re Probably Worshiping a False God
Christians are still idol worshipers. We're just less honest about it.
The Bible Makes a Fashion Statement
Theologian Robert Covolo encourages Christians to take matters of dress and style more seriously.
John Calvin: Justice Is a Form of Worship
According to the Reformer, pursuing the good of others is a way to love God.
Prayer amid PandemicEpisode 2|15min
Epidemic Tore Through John Calvin’s Geneva Five Times
The Reformer's theology informed his compassion for the afflicted.
The Incarnation Is the Rule, Not the Exception
How a theology of the ordinary informs Advent.
Marilynne Robinson’s Celebration of Humanity Is Brilliant but Incomplete
Insights from some of her heroes, like John Calvin and the Puritans, would help round out the picture.
Calvin of Arabia: Protestant Theology Translated into Arabic
Labor of love brings the Reformation’s seminal work into the Middle East.
Are You Worshiping a Fake Jesus?
Daniel Darling catalogues the impostors vying for your devotion.
Augustines for the 21st Century
The church needs more pastors who write and preach top-notch theology.

Top Story June 25, 2024

You Can Love Rap, Jesus, and the Color Pink
You Can Love Rap, Jesus, and the Color Pink
The first female artist on Lecrae’s label, Wande talks to CT about being a woman in Christian hip-hop and how the genre can be an entry point for learning gospel truths.

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