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Harvest Halts James MacDonald’s Walk in the Word
Megachurch takes down sermons broadcast as part of former pastor’s 21-year teaching ministry.
South Pacific Churches Targeted in Billion-Dollar Cryptocurrency Scam
High-tech con used trusted pastors in Samoa and New Zealand to trick hundreds of congregants into investments that have gone nowhere.
Asia Bibi Finally Leaves Pakistan for Canada
Months after escaping a death sentence, the Pakistani Christian will live with her family in safety again.
Russian Evangelicals Penalized Most Under Anti-Evangelism Law
The tight restrictions on minority faiths have increasingly gotten Protestants in trouble and continue to raise concerns over religious freedom.
Died: Warren Wiersbe, Preachers’ Favorite Bible Commentator
The prolific author and pastor taught Christians how to “Be” in the Word.
Sri Lanka’s Christian Refugees Displaced by Retaliation Threats
Pakistani asylum seekers in Negombo fled terrorist attacks in their home country, only to fear retribution for more deadly violence in their place of refuge.
New HHS Rule Protects Pro-Life Health Care Workers
UPDATE: Under Trump, federal policy keeps shifting away from abortion rights in favor of religious conscience protections.
US Report Bashes China’s Religious Freedom Violations
With its crackdown on Christians and other faiths, the communist country ranks as a top offender by USCIRF for 20 years in a row.
Terrorists in Burkina Faso Execute Six at Pentecostal Church
(UPDATED) Assemblies of God pastor preferred to “die for his faith rather than leave the village” he served for decades.
Many Europeans Happy to Pay Tax to Churches They Don’t Attend
Pew finds a majority in six Western European countries are content to pay their “church tax” to support the common good.
United Methodist Court Keeps Core of New LGBT Legislation
(UPDATED) Traditional Plan survives legal review, but could still set the UMC on path to division over gay marriage and clergy as Judicial Council also approves exit plan for dissenting churches.
Sri Lankan Sunday School Was ‘Willing to Die for Christ’ on Easter. Half Did.
Amid funerals and fears after ISIS-linked attacks, Christian leaders across the island explain how they are guiding the faithful on mourning and Muslims.
America’s Largest Christian Adoption Agency Lets LGBT Couples Foster in 1 of 35 States
After ACLU lawsuit, Bethany Christian Services shifts foster care placement policy to comply with Michigan’s new requirements.
Half of Americans Say Evangelicals Are Discriminated Against
Pew: Amid growing awareness of discrimination, anti-Semitism has spiked the most.
Pew: US Christians Like the Israeli and Palestinian People More Than Their Governments
(UPDATED) American evangelicals are more likely than American Jews (67% vs. 47%) to say Trump is “striking the right balance” on Israel.
Evangelism Is More Prayer Than Action for Protestant Churchgoers
Survey finds more than half of monthly worshipers haven’t shared Jesus in the past six months.
Across 27 Countries, Most Don’t Mind More Religion in Society
Pew survey of 30,000 people finds a median of 39% favor, 13% oppose a “more important role for religion.”
Why Missions Experts Are Redefining ‘Unreached People Groups’
Fewer than 1 percent of missionaries end up among the world's least-Christian peoples. New categories aim to highlight the areas most desperate for the gospel.
Gleanings: May 2019
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our May issue).
How Palestine Divides Messianic Jews
The complexity of the situation even presents a challenge to Jewish Christian unity.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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