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‘We Praise You That Trump Is Gonna Be All Right’
Evangelicals respond to the apparent assassination attempt at the former president’s campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
Former UK Evangelical Leader Charged with Sexual Assault
Retired minister Jonathan Fletcher goes to court following major church investigation.
Evangelical Presbyterians Take on Debate Over Celibate Gay Pastors
As it brings in churches from mainline and conservative Presbyterian denominations, the EPC feels the tension in compromise.
Christian Billionaire Found Guilty of Massive Wall Street Fraud
In a case that alluded to the investor’s faith, a federal jury convicted Bill Hwang of market manipulation and defrauding banks.
Republican Party Backs Away from Pro-Life Stance in New Platform
Evangelicals oppose Donald Trump’s shift to leave abortion policy up to the states.
Iranian Christians Question Reformist Credentials of New President
Heart surgeon Masoud Pezeshkian takes the helm of the Islamic Republic, having campaigned for ethnic and religious minorities while pledging to reach out to the West.
Après deux élections, la France reste divisée. Les évangéliques peuvent-ils faire la différence ?
Bien que les évangéliques ne représentent qu’un pour cent de la population, ils veulent que leur présence porte du fruit.
After Two Elections, France Is Divided. Can Evangelicals Make a Difference?
Though they make up only 1 percent of the population, these believers want their presence to be meaningful.
UK Evangelicals Look Ahead to Potential Changes After Labour Victory
Survey finds that evangelical voters are motivated by care for those in need.
After Protests Turn Violent, Kenyan Churches Stand with Gen Z
The Sunday after authorities killed people protesting a finance bill, many pastors call for justice.
From Judges to Justices: Keeping Executive Power in Check Is an Ancient Problem
How evangelicals are responding to the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on presidential immunity.
Another Kanakuk Abuse Survivor Sues Camp for Fraud
Twenty years after a trusted counselor used faith to groom him for abuse, a Colorado man says he is trying to reclaim part of his life and take a stand for fellow victims.
When One Christian College Closes, Another Takes Care of Its Alumni Needs
Houghton University agreed to help two shuttered evangelical schools with files and transcripts going back decades. It ended up being more work than anyone bargained for.
المسيحيون العرب الإسرائيليون يبقون ويخدمون بينما تثير حرب غزة الجليل
مع نزوح عشرات الآلاف من الحدود الشمالية مع لبنان، يوازن المؤمنون بين هويتهم الفلسطينية والإسرائيلية سعياً لتحقيق السلام مع الجميع.
Canadian Megachurch Puts Ministry on Pause After Insurer Pulls Abuse Coverage
It’s been two years since its former pastor resigned and was arrested, but The Meeting House continues to feel the impact of its past.
CRC Tells LGBTQ-Affirming Congregations to Retract and Repent
Congregations that don’t comply with its traditional stance have a year to enter a process of discipline and restoration.
Arab Israeli Christians Stay and Serve as Gaza War Riles Galilee
With tens of thousands displaced from the northern border with Lebanon, believers balance their Palestinian and Israeli identities in pursuit of peace with all.
Convenção Batista do Sul: Por que a reforma contra os abusos continua esbarrando em obstáculos?
Líderes e defensores da causa são gratos pelo apoio da convenção, mas estão frustrados com a incapacidade de implementar seus planos.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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