Speaking Out

Is Europe Post-Christian or Pre-Revival?
As a missionary to this “prodigal continent,” here's how I see church planting, the prayer movement, and diaspora churches making a difference.
From Holistic Health to a Holistic Gospel
Wellness culture has infiltrated the church. Scripture casts a different vision.
Everything You Need to Know About the Respect for Marriage Act
The law recently advanced by the US Senate doesn’t deny religious liberty to those who support traditional unions.
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselves.
3 Principles for Settling Political Spats in the Church
When we see civic engagement as a limited strategy rather than a source of moral identity, we’re better equipped to reach across the partisan aisle.
Stop Praying for Persecuted Christians Only
We don’t demonstrate such exclusionary self-focus in other ministry spheres. Opening our aperture is biblical and aids our advocacy.
The Outsized Role of Christian Schools in Arab Israeli Politics
Established in the Ottoman era, Western-birthed educational institutions continue to play a leading role in shaping the public discourse of Israel’s Palestinian citizens.
A New Solution to Gun Violence: Neighborly Care
What if we applied Christian imagination to protecting our children?
Jeffrey Dahmer and Killing Our True Crime Obsession
When serial killer stories rank among the country’s top shows, we’re guilty of fueling a dark trend.
Online Seminary Isn’t B-League
Virtual degrees are affordable and accessible. They can even be rigorous.
What Christian Colleges Can Glean from the Supreme Court’s ‘Yeshiva’ Case
The latest ruling looks like bad news for evangelical higher education, but it’s not.
Stop Applauding Pastors Who Publicly Confess Their Sins
When leaders admit wrongdoing, we should respond with quiet sobriety, not clapping.
Helper: You Keep Using That Word for Women
But it doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Christians Shouldn’t Kill Christians—Even on Death Row
There are lots of reasons to oppose capital punishment. Among them: When a prisoner is a fellow believer.
Salman Rushdie Is the Canary in a Free Speech Coal Mine
But the liberty at stake is moral and spiritual, not just intellectual.
Why Theologians Aren’t as Excited About Chinese Christianity’s Growth as Sociologists
Success for the church looks different depending on your discipline.
Treasures in Heaven, Portfolios on Earth
When Christian investors focus solely on avoiding unethical causes, they miss a chance to build up good corporations and ministries.
Nicky Gumbel’s Fitting Farewell to HTB Church: ‘The Best Is Yet to Come’
Retirement sermon and celebration of Holy Trinity Brompton vicar and Alpha Course pioneer reminds us that good and faithful servants still exist.
The Struggle for Sri Lanka’s Second Birth
Christians have served well as our society fell apart amid economic crisis. But we still have work to do.
Indian Christian Day Uses Martyrdom of Apostle Thomas to Unite the Diaspora
One in five Indian Americans is now Christian. But they remain divided by language, doctrine, and generation.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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