
A Question of Faith
Top Democrats have much work ahead to convince voters of their religious sincerity.
Forget Your Bliss
The success of The Purpose-Driven Life reveals a cultural opportunity.
Let No Law Put Asunder
A constitutional amendment defending marriage is worth the effort.
Muslims at Home in America
Christians have a part to play in helping Islam adapt to democracy.
Back to the Garden
Our task is neither to shield nature from humanity nor to tame all wilderness.
One Nation Under God—Sort of
We've got bigger problems than the Pledge of Allegiance.
Nixon's Ghost
The late President's tapes brought more pain—and a genuine act of repentance.
Why the TNIV Draws Ire
"No translation is perfect, and each must be read with a careful exegetical eye."
On Befriending Presidents
Billy Graham's relationship with Richard Nixon was already a controversy in 1972.
Which Version Should We Use?
What we said when the NIV was first published.
Blame Game
Seeking mercy is a better response to 9/11 than seeking meaning
Fear and Hate
"In times like this, as in all other times, Christians have a responsibility to love above all else."
Aslan Is Still on the Move
There's too little evidence to prove that anyone is 'de-Christianizing' C.S. Lewis.
The Evil of Two Lessers
Neither candidate made courageous choices after the election
Honest Ecumenism
The Vatican's recent statement on the nature of the church is a step forward, not backward, for Christian unity.
More of the Same
Beyond the church's pushing together and pulling apart lies hope.
The Wall’s Long Shadow
Is there life after Communism in Eastern Europe?
Our Unoriginal Sin
Engaging pop culture means more than imitation.
Make Disciples, Not Just Converts
Evangelism without discipleship dispenses cheap grace.
Moms Without Marriage

Top Story July 23, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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