
Tsunamis and Birth Pangs
Let's not bash traditional Christian answers to disaster, only keep them in context.
Same Song, Second Term
It is a unique political moment for Christian conservatives—or is it?
Spiritual Shortcuts
The cheating epidemic reveals a deeper issue.
Canterbury Crackup
Eschewing church discipline has come back to haunt Anglicans.
Nightmares and Miracles
A good beginning to the long battle for human rights in North Korea.
Fill an Empty Cradle
Falling birthrates demand new priorities for families.
For Whom Would Jesus Vote?
Single-issue politics is neither necessary nor wise.
Heat Stroke
The climate for addressing global warming is improving.
It's Not About Stem Cells
Why we must clarify the debate over harvesting embryos.
Never Again?
Genocide in Sudan tests our commitment to justice.
The Values-Driven Voter
The values bandwagon is being pulled apart. Which way is more scriptural?
When More Is Less
We're making more money, but the payoff isn't always positive.
Divisible After All
More important than keeping the phrase 'under God' is the reason for keeping it.
No-Fault Division?
It may be time for mainline churches to consider an amicable divorce.
The Evil In Us
Prisoner torture in Iraq exposes the ordinary face of human depravity.
The Politics of Communion
Church leaders who admonish politicians on moral issues are doing their jobs.
Blessed Are the Lukewarm
Religion is okay with the courts, so long as it doesn't mean anything.
Double-entry Accountability
Two financial watchdogs are better than one.
'The Longest Hatred'
Evangelicals must fight the resurgence of anti-Semitism.
Crash-Helmet Christianity
Talking about the real Jesus is a dangerous thing.

Top Story July 23, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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