
In Guns We Trust
Fear and idolatry are our real gun problem.
Stay in School
Why dropping out of public education is a bad choice for Christians.
Go Directly to Jail
Can I Get a Witness?
Candidate testimonies must move beyond piety to policy.
The Long Road After Littleton
There are no quick fixes for our culture of violence, but that's no excuse for doing nothing.
Church Discipline on Trial
The verdict against pastor Gregory Dell was not "denominational cleansing," but a necessary attempt at disciple making.
Why Christian Colleges Are Booming
Parents may want a safe haven, but these schools have a higher purpose.
Redeeming Funerals
Not a Fast Fix
It's hard to fast, and even harder to do it for the right reasons.
Protecting the Right to Convert
The freedom to choose religious belief is under assault globally.
A Silent Holocaust in Iraq
U.S.-supported sanctions may kill more Iraqi children than Saddam.
Reconnecting with the Poor
If people are hurting, it's our business.
When Church and State Cooperate
There is an opportunity staring the church in the face: charitable choice.
Preparing for the Brave New Millennium
We might be ready for the Rapture, but are we prepared for babies engineered for perfection?
Who Killed Matthew Shepard?
Human nature being what it is, we can too easily cross the line between hating the sin and hating the sinner.

Top Story July 23, 2024

ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.

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