
The Truth About Lies
For a nation in denial, it's time to tell it like it is.
If It’s Too Good to Be True ...
Those who are foolish in small things often get caught being foolish in big things.
The President’s Small Group
Turning your life around is not a do-it-yourself project.
The Prodigal Who Didn’t Come Home
Why the President's "apology" misfired
When Lies Become News
Christian journalists should be fairer than their secular counterparts.
Religious Schools Make the Grade
Give Wisconsin an A for saying no to secularist nonsense.
Sentimentally Yours
Lies We’ve Heard Before
The same flawed arguments that legalized abortion are now used to support physician-assisted suicide.
Home Is Where the Parent Should Be
How to resist a society that pulls parents in every direction but home.
Did Christianity Cause the Holocaust?
No, despite what a biased film at the tax-supported Holocaust Museum implies.
The Lesson of Karla Faye Tucker
Evangelical instincts against her execution were right, but not because she was a Christian.
Beware the Spotlight
We are called to be suspicious of the Christian celebrity culture.
Let the Prisoners Work
Crime doesn't pay, but prison labor can benefit everyone.
Wimber’s Wonders
What Really Died in Oregon
The state's voter-approved suicide law represents more than an extreme belief in personal autonomy.
Let Mary Be
Why the pope shouldn't give Mary that which belongs to herSon.
Russia Steps Back from Freedom
The new law restricting religion is part of Russia'sstruggle to redefine itself.
The Great Translation Debate
The divide over gender-inclusive Bibles hides what unites us.
Why the World Listened

Top Story July 23, 2024

ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.

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