
Don’t Give Up on the Church
Though often embattled and dysfunctional, the church is still where God chooses to meet us.
Progress for the Persecuted
New successes represent a new approach
Religious Freedom Is No Luxury
By killing RFRA, the Supreme Court has placed religious liberty in a perilous position.
Strangers at Home
What if we were to assume that we were coming to this country for the first time?
To the Jew First
Witnessing to the Jews is nonnegotiable.
The Speck in Mickey’s Eye
We live in a wildly pluralistic society.
Why Tiger Woods Makes Us Feel Good
Is the best remedy for racism visible black achievement?
How to Pressure China
The Christian's ultimate loyalty is a threat to any authoritarian regime.
Beyond Bake Sales
Christian volunteerism needs to be directed toward the deepest hurts.
To Heaven on a UFO
Heaven's Gate forces us to ask if it's "stupid" to die for our beliefs.
North Korea’s Hidden Famine
The poor and the weak should not have to starve due to the policies of their government.
Stop Cloning Around
In the flurry of scientific boundary breaking, let's remember that humans are not sheep.
Rome Says ’We’re Sorry’
A Tutsi's Hope
A Zairean bishop wants American Christians to remember the struggles of the church in East Africa.
Mourning the Morning-After Pill
Life Wish
In the debate over physician-assisted suicide, is anyone listening to the soft voices of the dying and infirm?
Dare We Be Colorblind?
After Proposition 209, affirmative action may be at a dead end politically. How should Christians respond?
The Pope, the Press, and Evolution
When the media seized on John Paul II's statement, they not only missed his main point, they missed a wider story.
Judging the Justices
Yes, the judiciary is usurping the powers of the people, but talk of revolution is alarmist.
When Relief Is Not Enough
Bread for my neighbor is a spiritual concern.

Top Story July 23, 2024

ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.

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