Church Life+Ministry

The Source of True Joy
Joy is not found in our circumstances.
As Church Plants Grow, Southern Baptists Disappear
Nation’s largest Protestant group lost 200,000 members last year, biggest decline since 1881.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Life
Six keys to being more productive in life and ministry.
Former Member Accepts Acts 29 Megachurch Apology in Church Discipline Case
Matt Chandler says Village Church will review its practices.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Names Interim President
Campus ministry's No. 2 will continue its commitment to religious freedom on college campuses and racial diversity.
Understanding the Transgender Phenomenon
The leading Christian scholar on gender dysphoria defines the terms—and gives the church a way forward.
Loving My Sister-Brother
Over dinner one night, my sibling announced he was becoming a woman. And so began the greatest test of my faith.
Your Day in Court
His case is so convincing, so true, that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are guilty.
How Evangelicalism Built Its Brand Loyalty
It all goes back to the smiling gentleman on the Quaker Oats label.
Seeing Red: A Picture of Grace
How God’s great grace blots out our sin.
Leaving Baptist in Your Church Name Won't Scare People Away
Americans favor Baptist, Catholic churches more than nondenominational congregations.
Preacher with a Paintbrush
The first acclaimed black artist shared the gospel without saying a word.
Mindfulness Doesn’t Have to Be All About Us
Becca Stevens slows down for the sake of service.
Creflo Dollar’s Board Apologizes for Plane Fundraising Video
Ministry still plans to tap its 3 million donors for a new plane.
Brothers, We Are Not Managers
We have forgotten the Bible’s rich language for loving the church.
The Church Is The Greatest Movie Trailer Ever
How the church can be a foretaste of heaven.
Sexed-Up Culture Ruined Healthy Male-Female Work Relationships
The importance of both genders partnering in ministry.
Should Christians Confront Mormon Missionaries When They Knock on the Front Door?
Three views.
The Great Omission Becomes the Great Commission
How God used the great church destroyer Saul to become the great multiethnic church planter.
Under Discussion: Should Churches Dim the Lights for Worship?
Does low lighting set a better mood, or mimic entertainment too much? Experts weigh in.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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