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Сукурс і тиша
Про молитву в скрутних ситуаціях до Бога, який часто відповідає не так, як я сподіваюся.
Сукурс и тишина
О молитве в трудных ситуациях к Богу, который часто отвечает не так, как я надеюсь.
In Succor and Silence
On praying past the end of silver linings to a God who often does not answer as I hope.
What We Can Offer If We Uncircle the Wagons
Two new memoirs, Troubled and Between Two Trailers, make a powerful—if unintentional—case for the Christian ethos of family and community.
‘Lord, When Did We See You in Foster Care?’
Caring for foster children can be difficult—even devastating. It is also a revelation of the love God gives and expects of his people.
Christians Could Change Adoption Laws in the Middle East. Will They?
Some have been reticent to reform, despite the needs of children and would-be parents.
Supreme Court Upholds Law on Native Adoptions
Native American Christians, involved in both their tribes and in child placement situations, know the complexity of these cases better than most.
50 Trauma-Informed Ideas Your Church Can Put Into Practice
The ideas encompass various aspects of church life, including worship, pastoral care, small group activities, and community outreach.
Fewer Christians Know Families Who Foster or Adopt
While churches offer more support and encouragement, attendees say they’re less likely to see personal involvement.
MayPodcastEpisode 52
From Heartache to Hope: The Church's Mission in Foster Care and Trauma Healing
A conversation about how the Church can make a difference in the lives of children and families.
Orienting Our Hearts and Minds for Effective Foster Care
If you're considering being a foster care parent or supporting foster care, it’s helpful to develop postures—orientations—of the heart and mind.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 49|41min
David Platt Wasn’t Radical Enough
The pastor and author says the problem runs deeper than the American Dream.
Together We Can—and Must—Transform Domestic Adoption Abroad
By changing the way we think about orphan care, we can see children raised in families, not buildings.
Viral JesusEpisode 50|44min
Tori Hope Petersen: Fostering Hope
How Mrs. Universe 2022 uses her story of survival and healing to help foster families thrive.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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