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‘Going for the Jugular’ Does Not Wash Away Sin
Why the life and death of disgraced culture warrior Paul Pressler should serve as a warning to all of us.
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.
Why Character Doesn’t Matter Anymore
The “cheerful prudery” of Ned Flanders has given way to vulgarity, misogyny, and partisanship. What does this mean for our witness?
Jesus Freaks in the Taylor Swift Era
Blessed are those who are weird for righteousness’ sake, not just dabbling in baseless conspiracy theories about a pop star and the NFL.
Why Young Men Are Failing to Launch
For Gen Z men who feel purposeless and lost, the way off the couch is the way of the Cross.
The 2016 Election Sent Me Searching for Answers
Politics had become a false idol, and I needed a deeper source of purpose and meaning.
Russell Moore’s Favorite Books of 2023
From rabbits and Inklings to Kardashians and King, here are the year’s best reads according to CT’s editor in chief.
Campus Antisemitism and the Lessons of a Nazi-Occupied Church
We do not love our “side” if we let it slide into movements that history and our consciences show lead to atrocities.
The Problem with Anti-Anti-Christian Nationalism
Moderate Christian nationalists shouldn't be smeared. But neither should extremism be defended.
How Then Should Men Live?
Our culture won’t say what a man should be. The church can.
For Some Christians, Ohio’s Issue 1 Wasn’t All About Abortion
Not all Christians in Ohio agreed on how to approach the referendum, which aimed to raise the threshold for passing constitutional amendments.
What Happens When Both Sides Secularize
The antidote to cultural Christianity on the Left and Right is true Anglicanism and Pentecostalism.
J. K. Rowling’s Witch Hunts Put Us on Trial
What our anger towards this controversial cultural figure reveals about us.
On Tucker Carlson and the Fear of Being Replaced
Christians who seek the wrong kingdom will dread the wrong apocalypse.
Died: Michael Gerson, Speechwriter Who Crafted Faith-Inspired Language for George W. Bush
The one-time theology student believed politics should have “heroic ambition,” and speeches should be written, on occasion, for the angels.
What Church Splits Can Teach Us About a Dividing America
As in the past, one can learn about our nation’s political divisions by looking at our religious ones.
Ron Sider Was the Real Deal
As a friend of the late seminary professor, I saw up close his deep character and life-long care for the disenfranchised.
Fantasy Role-Playing Is Hurting America
How the cult of imagined heroism is bringing down our nation’s institutions.
How to Lose the Abortion Debate While Winning It
Christian cultural influence only lasts when it’s backed up by the moral credibility of the church.