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Persahabatan yang Rusak Itu Menyakitkan
Bagi orang beriman, baik hubungan yang lama maupun baru mempunyai bobot dan nilai kekekalan.
All About That Tenor: Why Men Don’t Sing in Worship
Music experts say we don’t need more “manly songs,” but we do need to help lower voices find their place.
Em busca de uma sexualidade masculina que não seja tóxica
Podemos recuperar uma visão de masculinidade saudável e que honre a Cristo?
In Search of Non-Toxic Male Sexuality
Can we recover a healthy, Christ-honoring vision for masculinity?
Por que romper uma amizade machuca tanto
Para os crentes, relacionamentos antigos e novos têm peso e valor eternos.
As dificuldades que os homens enfrentam são problemas de todos
Desde estudos e trabalho a paternidade e amizades, precisamos de uma visão de masculinidade que ambos os sexos possam aplaudir.
Why Broken Friendships Hurt
For believers, both old and new relationships carry an eternal weight and value.
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
Moving Beyond Hotel Bibles, Gideons in Canada Announce New Name
ShareWord will continue to distribute Scripture, but emphasize church partnerships and equipping Christians for evangelism.
Promise Keepers President: It’s Unacceptable If My Black Brother Is Suffering
Ken Harrison says new men’s movement will continue pursuing racial reconciliation.
Promise Keepers Tried to End Racism 25 Years Ago. It Almost Worked.
As new tensions divide the country, the men’s movement leaders wonders what they could have done differently.
Promise Keepers’ Comeback Event Goes Virtual
Tony Evans and Michael W. Smith on the lineup for the first major program of the men’s movement in nearly a decade.
Why Gideons International Is Scaling Back Bible Printing
How the Scripture distribution ministry is adapting for 2020 and beyond.
Are You Close to God? Your Answer Affects How You Read Scripture
A new study suggests that both men and women who seek spiritual intimacy view the Bible more literally.
Quick To ListenEpisode 124|55min
The Church Doesn’t Get Men. Can It Learn from Non-Christians Who Do?
What congregations can glean from the secular thought leaders men flock to.
Guy-Friendly Candles
8 Reasons to Stop Saying ‘Men’ When We Mean Everyone
Church is the only place in our culture where we still use male pronouns when we’re referring to both genders.
Keys to Preventing Adultery
Resisting sexual temptation involves taking practical steps and caring for your soul.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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